It took several hours until even just the first pup saw the light of this world. By the time the rest of them were born, the night and most of the next day had already passed. It was exhausting for all of them but Jungkook couldn't begin to imagine how Jimin must've felt. Towards the end, it became so bad that the fox kept passing out and Jin had to reach into him to more or less pull the last pup out of his tired body. If Jungkook hadn't been so focused on drying and scenting the newborns Jin handed him, he would've probably broken down at the sight.

But now… Now it's over. What a relief.
On several towels in front of him, Jungkook watched in awe how those tiny creatures squirmed and whined with their eyes closed tight, their tiny paws kicking. Jungkook couldn't wrap his head around it. Those are his pups, his babies. Parts of him and Jimin lives on inside of them.

"Seven pups." Jin groaned and fell into a nearby chair. "I've never delivered such a huge litter. Foxes sure are amazing."

"Jimin is. He's the most amazing." Jungkook corrected. He glanced at his sleeping mate, reached out to run his fingers through the dull, pink, sweat matted fur. His breathing seemed weak, his body looked frail. It was worrisome. Even more when Hoseok noted that Jimin had come down with a fever and didn't wake up.
What followed was two days of Jungkook running back and forth between his newborn pups and his motionless Omega. No matter how much he tried to talk to him, Jimin wouldn't move a muscle. Sometimes, Jungkook felt like he didn't even breathe.

He didn't want to leave his side. Never again. All of this was his fault. He was the Alpha. He should've been careful during Jimin's heat but he let himself be swept away like a brainless idiot. Led on by his instincts, he foolishly thought this wouldn't be a problem.


The latter flinched and lifted his head. He must've fallen asleep on Jimin's chest with his ear pressed against the Omega's heart. It felt good to hear the life pulse in his veins. These days, it was the only thing that calmed him down.
Upon seeing his distraught expression, Jin sighed and sat down by his side. He watched Jimin breathe for a moment, checked his temperature, then he ruffled Jungkook's hair with a gentle smile.

"I'm sure Jimin will be alright. Give him some time to recover."
There was a pause but Jungkook could tell that Jin had more to say. He unwillingly tore his gaze away from his mate, giving the doctor a questioning glance until Jin sighed heavily and continued.
"I know things are rough right now but you can't stay with Jimin all day. I need you to come with me."

It was hard, Jin knew it was otherwise he wouldn't look so apologetic when asking Jungkook to come. For an Alpha or Omega to leave their sick mate's side… it's almost impossible unless they have to do it in order to survive.

"It's about your pups, Gguk."

Ah. That did it. They are the only beings who can even slightly compare to Jimin's
overwhelming presence in Jungkook's life. The only ones who can steal his attention away.

"Why? What about them?" He asked, already looking shaken by the doctor's serious tone. It was as if he could smell it, the bad news. Or maybe he could just read it from Jin's face. Either way, it didn't matter how he knew. None of it made the reality of the situation any easier to endure.

"Jungkook… One of your children didn't make it. I'm… I'm so sorry."

It was the last one. The one that had gotten stuck when Jimin lost consciousness. That probably wasn't the reason, though, Jin explained with a grim glance at the unconscious fox. That last pup, it had been the tiniest and least developed of them all. They knew from the start, it might be too early for some of them. They knew it but… it was still shocking to see this tiny, lifeless body. Jungkook even scented the little one after it was born. He never thought it could die just like that. A part of him can't help but think it's not true. It might be a dream or maybe a lie. Maybe everyone was still trying to fool them, to tear them down just like when they lived with their old packs.

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