"Looks like it's a cold one for you," Lily chimes in.

   "I question our friendship," I tell her. I grab my clothes and head for the shower. I'm pretty positive by the howls of laughter in the room that they all heard my shriek as the cold water hit my skin.


Somehow I managed to fall asleep during my hour long massage. Apparently it was heavenly and something my body desperately needed. But there was another moment of embarrassment as I realize I've managed to drool. Oops.

I rejoin the other women in the spa's changing room. "Anyone else fall asleep or just me?"

"Probably just you. My massage therapist was helping me think through the list of songs for the reception," Lily says as she emerges from her changing room.

"At what point are you going to just chill out this weekend?" Rae asks. "This is meant to be your last big hoorah before you get married."

Lily shoots a glare at Rae. "Excuse me if I don't want to spend the whole time drunk like you were for your party weekend."

Rae knows she has a point. Sadly, she doesn't remember much of her own Bachelorette weekend. But the rest of us do and like to remind her of all the excitement she's forgotten about. "I still can't believe I flashed those firemen."

"Lucky for you it was Mardi Gras so you weren't alone," I laugh out looking over at Laura.

Laura shrugs in defeat. "Maybe two Hurricanes in thirty minutes wasn't my best idea. I'm just glad we always have a DD."

"Forever at your service," I say with a bow. I walk over to face Lily. "With that being said, loosen up!" I gently shake her shoulders. Finally releasing a small smile, Lily nods her head in agreement.

"Good! Now let's grab a quick lunch and lounge by the pool. We've got dinner plans at 6 and an event at 7."

"How about we just grab snacks from the pool bar?" Lily suggests.

"I like where this is going! Let's go ladies!"


   "That last margarita may not have been my best decision," Rae says as she digs through her toiletry back in search of Tylenol.

   "Combined with the sun, I don't doubt that your head is probably screaming." I grab a cold wash rag from our bathroom and bring it over to where she has crashed on her bed.

   October in Atlanta is still no joke with the heat. The temp was pushing mid 80s with no cloud coverage. Didn't help that Rae had drank very little water after our time at the spa, instead choosing margaritas. I think she's realizing her mistake at this point.

   I pull our shade closed making it completely dark in our room and drop the air a bit more. "We've got a couple hours. I'll cancel dinner and we'll just grab something at the concert, give ya more time." I shoot off a quick text to Lily and Laura letting them know the change in plans.

In no time at all Rae can be heard snoring. I forgot that happens when she drinks. Deciding not to disturb her, I move out to our balcony with my laptop. I've managed to not check my email since we arrived yesterday but I did tell my crew I'd check in at some point.

The first email is a review on a newlyweds overnight stay. Five stars. Can't really beat that. A second one is a one star review, due to not receiving turn down service. I immediately message my desk manager to find out what happened. I want to bust out laughing when I get the response. 'He goes to sleep at 5. Turn down isn't until 7:30 pm. Not my fault he didn't answer the knock.'

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