Please Don't Leave...

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"TOM?!" Tord shouted while sitting up in a panic.

"Tord? Are you okay?" Pat asked concerningly.

Tord sighed and rubbed his temples. "Nothing-....It's nothing."

Paul frowned. "Well, we've been looking at traffic cams for Tom, and we can't find anything. I think he went down a back road."

Tord nodded. "Makes sense. He'd be looking for a place to hide..." Tord mumbled in a series of slurs and mutters. He wasn't drunk, just pretty hungover.

"Aye!" Jessie called out. Tord looked towards Jessie. Jessie showed Tord a bottle of Aspirin. "Want one? I have some to spare."

Tord raised his brow. "Why do you have that? Are you selling drugs to soldiers? I'm starting to get disappointed, Jessie."

Axle snickered. "Jeez, he pulled the disappointed card. He's gone full parent."

"Axle." Tord snarled through gritted teeth.

"Sorry-...sorry sir."

"That's what I thought." Tord took some Aspirin and sighed. "Thank you, Jessie."

Jessie smiled. "No problem."

Everyone jerked forward as the car came to a stop. Paul turned to the back with a grim expression. "Look, everyone, get out. Tord."

Tord turned to look at his father.

"You stay."

"WHAT?! WHY?!"

Paul sighed. "The Yellow Army is blocking the road, and you're hungover. I'm not risking losing you. Ginny, you stay too."

Ginny nodded. And Jessie, Reggie, Axle, Bits, Paul and Patryck left the vehicle. And Tord was left with Ginny.

Ginny looked around awkwardly. ""

Tord sighed. This was gonna be a long night.

"Do you have any baby pictures of Marie? Or any cute pictures of Tom?" Ginny asked nervously.

Tord smiled. "I have both!" He pulled out his phone. "Alright, look at this video."

Ginny scooted closer towards Tord as he pressed play.

Tord was behind the screen recording. He moved the camera to show Tom cuddled up in Tord's hoodie. He was sleeping softly. He sighed and huddled closer into the hoodie. He looked scared.

He was having a nightmare. And by the looks of it, a bad one.

Tord gently grabbed Tom's hand and kissed it gently.

"Calm's only a nightmare. It'll pass..." Tord said softly.

He watched gleefully and smiled when Tom's face changed. He pulled Tord's hand closer to his chest and nestled closer towards Tord. He sighed happily.

Tord smiled he pulled Tom onto his chest. He kissed his forehead. "Is this better?" He asked softly.

Tom rubbed his face in Tord's shoulder and smiled.

Tord chuckled before ending the video.

Ginny gasped in awe. "That was the most heartfelt thing!"

Tord nodded. "It is..."

"Tom is so adorable!"

Tord eyed Ginny suspiciously.

"Oh! No! No! I don't mean it like that, trust me, he's all yours." She winked.

Yours, Forever & Always.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang