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Tom had nearly given up on himself. That is, until Tord came along.

Then he fully gave up on himself.

"Okay, so you'll be staying in here."

Tom looked inside the room Tord dubbed as Tom's. The inside shocked Tom.


Tord shook his head. "Wha- no?! This wasn't here this morning! What the fuck?! On the plane?!"

In the middle of the plane cabin, hanging on the ceiling fan, hung some poor soldier. There was a chair that had been knocked over near his feet.

Tom clutched his chest. He felt heavy. empty. I gotta get out of here. Tom thought. Is this what Tord's soldiers do because of his leading?! Will this be me?!

Tom backed away from it all. Tord. The poor soldier. He wanted to just get out of there.

Then he let it all out.

He wasn't well. He knew that. And Tord was the only person who somewhat cared. Even if he was faking it.

Tom could feel the tears well up in his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

He needed help. He needed to actually feel loved.

Though, he wasn't sure if Tord was that person, the one who actually liked him. He probably wasn't.

Tom's breathing became heavier, and he could feel himself become lightheaded.


Tord looked to where he heard heavy breathing from behind him. Tom.

Tord could tell that Tom wasn't well. He was pale and was bracing himself with the suit cases.

"Tom, are you-...are you okay?" Tord asked softly.

"Is there..." Tom swallowed. "Can I stay somewhere else...?"

Tord nodded. "Yes, you can stay with me. You and Marie."

One specific soldier looked at Tom and Tord. She cleared her throat. Tord looked towards her. She gestured to Tom, as if to say, "dude! Look at him! Give. Him. A. Hug!!!" Tord sighed and brought Tom into a tight embrace. He had Marie in his arms, so the soldier came and gently took her.

"Thank you, Ginny." Tord said softly.

Tom seemed surprised by the sudden embrace, but gladly hugged Tord back. He could feel his tears welling up his eyes.

So he let them go.

Tord held Tom as he cried and pleaded into his chest.

"I'm so s-sorry Tord...! I'm just so stupid, Edd's right! They're all right! Starving myself isn't enough! I should just leave!"

Tord couldn't believe what Tom was saying. He heard what Edd had said to him, those horrible things. He could feel a deep and vile hatred well up inside of him. Edd's such a little bitch. I swear the next time I see him I'll- no. Edd caused the problem, but Tom is taking what he said seriously. He needs to be loved. Not the cause of others sufferings.

Tom shivered against Tord's chest. Tord's heart ached seeing Tom like this. But...why? He'd need to ask his parents later.

Tord gently picked Tom up bridle-style. He wanted to make sure he wouldn't hurt him.

Tom seemed surprised at Tord. "Wha-? Why are you..?"

Tord looked at Tom and smiled. These past hours have made Tord feel amazing. If only Tom knew what he was doing to Tord. He might've felt better about himself.

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