"You Threw Away My Milk!!"

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He chuckled in a stunned daze and continued prying at the nails. He got the first board down, and a beam of sunlight shown through the window. He picked up Marie and brought her into the sunlight. Marie smiled and attempted to grab the dust floating in the sunlight. She giggled and laughed, as Tom smiled and kissed her forehead.

The fun and games were interrupted when he heard Aaron from the other side of the door. "Hey, Tom do you need anythi- wait, what's that noise?"

Tom needed to think of an excuse, fast. "Um...I think The Red Army is coming close to the entrance. I hear shooting, and bombs. It's scaring Marie..."

Aaron jumped and ran off, shouting that they need reinforcements towards the entrance. Perfect. Tom finally pried the last board off. He smiled gleefully and basked in the warm sunlight.

He tried the window and, surprisingly, it was unlocked! He opened it and shivered in the cool air. He made sure Marie was secured and warm in Tord's hoodie.

"I wouldn't want you to freeze darling." Tom said smiling. "Now, let's go."

Tom looked out of the window. He sighed, "that's a big drop..." He back up and sighed. He thought of Tord. He wanted to feel angry. Which wasn't too hard considering his circumstances.

Tom yelled in pain as he saw his hands and feet grow into claws, his ears become more animal like, and he had horns grow from his head, along with a monstrous tail grow from behind him. He had purple patches of skin covering him, along with purple smoke coming from his eyes. He jumped through the window and landed on the ground and checked on Marie, she was huddled up in the hoodie, and was crying slightly.

"Don't worry love, we'll be with daddy soon. We just need to find- ugh!" Tom screamed and turned behind him. A Rebellion soldier stood shocked with a shaky hand holding a gun. Tom felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, and found a bloody bullet on the ground in front of him.

He breathed shakily. Was he shot?! Then he saw how close the bullet was from hitting Marie. And he flipped.

He grew into a large monstrous beast. He had a large back void for an eye. Claws even bigger than before, along with a large striped tail, and horns. He was so big, that the only way he could possibly carry Marie was in his large jaws. He gently picked her up by the hood of Tord's sweater, and ran into the woods.

He ignored the scratches and branches tugged against him and cutting into the bullet wound deeper. He eventually found a large bush and hid behind it. The baby was crying and screaming. He whimpered and held her closer towards his chest. He sighed. And snarled at the sound of branches being stepped on.

"Hey! Hey! It's us! Calm down!" One voice said.

The monster recognized the voice. Reggie. With him was Jessie. The monster whimpered and licked some of the blood off of his wound. He flinched and cried out in pain.

Jessie walked towards The monster calmly and began attempting to treat the wound, while Reggie spoke to The monster softly to attempt to calm him down.

Reggie sighed. "Jessie, I think this isn't Tom..."

"I know...If only the other soldiers understood." Jessie added softly.

Reggie and Jessie both understood Tom's situation. With him being possessed, the monster was rarely in control, unless Tom was feeling a large amount of overwhelming emotions. In cases like that, he could be very dangerous, and should only be treated calmly. Like with a puppy.

Unfortunately, Tom was in one of those situations like that right now.

Reggie nicknamed the monster Tomi. Spelt with and 'i' as opposed to a 'y' for the reason that, he just liked it better that way.

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