Time For a Bit of Improvisation.

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After Tord finished patching up Tom's hand, they walked outside to get into Tom's car. Tom walked out to the car and hopped in the backseat. Tord looked at him curiously.

"What? Do you not like it?" Tom raised his brow concerningly.

"Hvordan i helvete snublet du over en bil som var så gammel?! Det vil snart gå i stykker! Jammen, jeg leier." Tord shouted angrily.

Tom rolled his eyes. He went over to Tord's place a lot as a kid, so he learnt some Norwegian. All he knew was Tord was pissed. Probably at him.

"Ro deg ned!" Tom yelled back. He knew this, it meant 'calm down' believe it or not, but Tord's parents said that a lot to Tord as a kid.

Tord was taken aback by this. "Tom- how did you...?"

"I learned some when we were little. Mainly from your parents yelling at you." Tom smirked.

Tord rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out. He tapped on the screen a bit before bringing the phone to his ear. The phone rang a bit until someone spoke on the other end.

"Hey, yeah, nice to hear from you too." Tord said into the phone.

There was silence for a bit, and Tom got curious as to who he was speaking too. A friend? No, probably not... A co-worker? No, he only has soldiers...

"Yes, remember that favour you owe me? Yes, I know there is a lot, the one with the bank. Yeah, that one. Time to pay up." Tord's voice was stern. Like he was giving an order, rather then talking to a friend. So that rules that one out. Tom thought.

"I need a car. One with a car seat. For a baby. Newborn, specifically. Don't ask. Just, track my location. Alright, bye." Tord hung up and placed the phone back into his pocket. "Alright! I have a ride coming shortly! Just sit tight for now!"

"Sit tight?!" Tom exclaimed angrily. "I have a car right here! What's wrong with it?"

Tord kicked the car's front bumper and it fell with a loud THUMP!

"Okay...maybe its not the best, but its all I have! Come on Tord." Tom sighed grumpily.

Nearby, a car honked then pulled up beside them. Of course. Tom thought. It's the newest model.

Tom sighed and carried Marie to the car. Outside, he heard Tord speaking with this man.

"An excellent car, thank you Albert." Tord stated gleefully.

"Thanks! Only the best for you sir! Now, who's the guy?" The man, Albert, replied.

Tord hesitated before answering, "Min kjærhighet." Tord replied with an unfamiliar tone. Lust maybe?

No, It couldn't be. Probably a neutral tone. He must've said 'old friend' or something. Tom thought.

"Kjærhighet, huh? Well, don't let me bore you, enjoy your night!" Albert called as he walked off.

Tord seemed relieved and walked back to the car.

"Want to drive?" He offered. "This thing is an absolute beast on the road."

Tom shook his head. "No thanks, I'll sit in the passenger side! That way I can feed Marie or change her more easily."

"Makes sense, although, I could easily do that if I were sitting there you know." Tord remarked.

Tom sighed, "I hope to get some sleep too, since you did wake me up."

Tord frowned. "You were sleeping? At 7:00PM? Isn't that a bit early to be sleeping?"

"What do you mean 7:00? Its's not-" Tom checked his phone. "Its almost eight-thirty..." Tom gasped. He rubbed his eyes.

Tord walked over to him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "If you want to sleep, you can. I can care for Marie."

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