You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

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Tord sprinted at the sound of Tom's voice. He ran into their room while panting.

"What's wrong?!"

Tom sighed. "I-I...I need help."

"Okay...with what?" Tord asked curiously.

Tom gestured to his outfit. His wedding outfit. Tom and Tord's wedding is today, whereas Edd and Matt's was the day before. Tord shook his head. "I am not supposed to see you in your outfit. I am not even in mine yet!" Tord cried.

Tom sighed. "I know! But I can't get the zipper! That's it!"

Tord shook his head. "Nope, sorry Love, but I cannot."

Paul poked his head in through the door and frowned. "You okay?"

Tord sighed. "I'm not supposed to see Tom right now, but he needs some help, can you do it?"

Paul shook his head. "I can get Kathy!"

Paul left for a few minutes, and came back with Kathy, Helen and Eliza. Tord smiled. "Okay! Thomas, you have help, so I am going to go." He gave Tom a peck on the cheek and left. Tom smiled. "Alright, so can you guys, help me?"

Helen smiled. "Obviously. have your dress pants on, and what's that?"

"It's a cape of sorts! It's open in the front, but still. I like it. So the top is kind of a corset..."

Kathy beamed. "Hell yeah! We're going to make Tord wish he never cheated on you! He'll be a sobbing mess at the alter! He'll-!"

"Kathy, honey calm down. You're scaring Tom." Eliza said softly.

"She is not!" Tom exclaimed.

Helen snickered. "Okay okay! Calm down, so let's get to work!"


Tord walked around anxiously. "What do I say again?!"

Pat sighed. "You memorized your vows, Tord."

"But what if I screw up?!" Tord exclaimed.

"You can't screw up more then you did by screwing that chick." Edd snickered.

Tord sighed. "I know. I want Tom to feel special! And loved!"

Edd rolled his eyes. "So loved you decided to get married at The White House?"

Tord smiled. "Yes! It's a very popular landmark, and considering they crowned me their king-...King Tord...It suits my outfit, don't you think?"

Matt walked in and sighed. "King Matt sounds better..." he huffed.

Edd smiled. "It totally does babe. And Millie-!" Matt handed Millie to Edd. "She looks adorable!"

Tord smiled. "Where's Marie and Tomi? Are they ready?"

Paul walked in and smiled. Marie was hiding behind his legs, and he had Tomi in his arms. Tord smiled. "My little boy!" He gave Tomi a kiss on the forehead. Tomi was wearing an outfit similar to Tom's. Though, Tord didn't know that yet.

Tord knelt down and sighed. "Darling? Why don't you show up your pretty outfit?"

Marie shook her head and hid. Paul smirked and moved his leg. Marie froze and stared at her father. Tord beamed. Marie wore a small tuxedo, with a small skirt. "Darling! You look wonderful! I love your jacket!" Marie wore a jacket similar to Tord's.

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