You Won't Believe This False Hope.

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Tom sighed and banged on the door. He was practically thrown inside! They almost hurt Marie! Tom put her on the bed and she later fell asleep. Tom banged his fist against the door and shouted until his throat hurt. He turned to Marie who was shivering in the bed. Tom sighed and took off Tord's hoodie and gently put her inside of it. She huddled up inside and smiled in her sleep at the safe smell of her daddy. Tom smiled and kissed her forehead. He sat down against the bed frame and stared at the door. He sighed. When is Tord gonna get here? Is he even going to? Am I going to be stuck here? Tom pulled out his phone and checked the percentage. It was almost dead! To went to grab his charger when he was met with his worst fear, his charger was at The Red Base.

Tom sighed again. He felt his eyelids closing and soon fell asleep. He opened his eyes not soon after by the sound of gunfire. He checked on Marie who was thankfully, still asleep. But Tom needed to figure out how to get out. He walked over to the window, that was covered with some curtains that were nail into the wall. They were old, rusty and luckily for Tom, very loose. He was able to get the nails out when he moved the curtains, home free...?

There were boards covering the window, with newer, stronger nails. Tom would need some serious machinery, or at least a hammer. Tom sighed. "Tord? Please come get me..." He felt tears come into his eyes and he sobbed. He collapsed on the floor and sobbed silently into his arms.

What if Tord didn't even bother to come? What if he didn't want to see Tom anyway? What if Tord didn't want his daughter anymore?

He was hyperventilating and sobbing harder and harder into his arms. Eventually crying himself to sleep.

Tom woke up in fear. "Tord?!" He called. Then he remembered.

He stood up and sighed. He felt tears fill up his eyes. He paced around the room with frustration. He's been bored and tired for a while. He grabbed Marie and smiled. He could tell that shes gotten older. He sighed. He decided that, he'd try to bathe Marie. He ran the water in the sink and it was freezing! Marie squealed in fear as she touched the water. Tom frowned. "I know...I know honey." Marie kept attempting to move away from the water and screamed. Tom gave up and held her close to his chest. "I'm sorry honey, we'll try again later, okay?" Marie whimpered and nestled closer to his chest.

Tom sighed shakily. "We'll try again later..."

Tord stepped off his plane and smiled. He knew he was getting Tom and Marie back. It was just a matter of seconds before Matt and Edd accepted defeat.

He walked up to Edd and rolled his eyes. "Look, when are you going to realize that, this is useless. Everything that you're doing! You can't win." Tord walked up to Edd and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and whispered in his ear, along with placing a gun to the side of his head. "Edd. I swear to fucking god, stay away from my family."

Matt screamed. "Edd! No! Todd don't shoot him!"

Tord yelled in frustration, "holy shit! How hard is it to remember a fucking name?! Maybe I should just fucking shoot you instead!"

Matt stood frozen.

And Tord placed his finger on the trigger.

Tom banged his fists against the door. He didn't know how long he was in there. More then a day, even more then a week, he was sure, then he heard the most amazing sound he'd heard in a while. Footsteps.

"Hello?! Please! Let me out!" Tom screamed while banging his fists against the door. He needed help! The first days in the room were terrible! The room light constantly flickered! And rarely turned on! The water in the attached bathroom would only run cold water! And the room was freezing due to no heater and a lack of sunlight. Tom had a small candle that he lit, but after a couple of days, blew out. And him and Marie were stuck in a small, freezing cold room! And, Tom ran out of food in his bag! He was also almost out of baby formula! Which is the only thing he could feed Marie!

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