Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?

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So, where should Tom begin?

Ah yes, the plane.

Tom walked off of the plane and sighed. Half in annoyance, and the other half in a bit of happiness. It's been a cloudy for a few days straight at The Red Base, but at The Rebellion, it was finally sunny! Tom smiled at the warm feeling of sunbeams on his face. Marie also seemed to like being in the sun.

Tom slowly walked towards the entrance to the base. He was a bit jet lagged, and a bit woozy. So Aaron asked to help Tom carry his bags. There is no way in hell he'd let anyone take his bags. He wanted to know where they were so he could care for Marie. And he needed to keep his phone a secret. At least, until he leaves.

"No! I mean, no, I got it." Tom smiled.

Aaron shrugged. "Whatever."

Tom turned to look at a large commotion coming from the entrance. Suddenly he saw Edd and Matt run towards him. He flinched and clutched Marie close to his chest as they embraced him.

"Oh god Tom!" Edd cried happily. "We're so happy your back!"

Matt smiled and nodded his head. "We can't wait for us to be uncles!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down!" Tom said backing away. "What do you mean, uncles?"

Edd and Matt smiled widely. "We're going to be the baby's uncles! We can't wait to help you raise her!"

Tom was pissed! After all of this, they want to be uncles? Fuck. That. "What? No, you said I'd raise her myself."

Matt shook his head. "We're not going to make you do it yourself!"

"Yeah! That was just a trick to make Tord release you! Obviously we're not making you do this yourself. We're here for you!" Edd grinned.

" don't know..." Tom mumbled. Tom backed away from them again.

"Tom?" Matt asked. "Why are you walking away from us?"

Tom stopped and gasped. "I-um..."

Edd gasped. "What the hell? Did Tord do something to you?"

"No! He didn't!" Tom cried. "Tord has done nothing wrong, okay?!"

"He kidnapped you!" Edd shouted. "Not to mention tormenting you for hours on end!"

At this point, Marie started waking up and was getting fussy, so Tom walked off angrily.

"Wait, Tom!" Edd called as he followed Tom.

Matt tapped Edd on the shoulder in fear. "E-Edd...there's a ton of planes landing here..."

Edd turned in surprise and his mouth gaped open. "Holy shit- get Tom and the baby inside now!"

"What-?! No!" Tom called as soldiers hesitantly led Tom inside. Edd and Matt followed. They walked in when Edd received a call. From Tord. Tom ran to the nearest meeting room just in time to see Tord's face appear as Edd accidentally answered the call.

"Hello old- TOM! MARIE! HOLY FUCK ARE YOU TWO OKAY?!" Tord cried.

"Kinda? I mean, Marie's okay! Can't say the same about myself though..." Tom mumbled.

Tord sighed and placed his hand on the screen. Marie held her chubby little hand out and put it on Tord's. With Tom' help of course. Tord smiled. "My darling daughter, I missed you so much." Marie smiled at Tord.

Tom smiled. "Are you coming over here? Are those the planes?"

"Yes! You see us? Where are you?!" Tord cried again.

Edd and Matt ran in. "TOM! DON'T LET TORD TALK TO YOU!" Edd shouted.

Tord gasped. "What? What did I do? And don't say "because you kidnapped our friend." Because I didn't."

Edd sighed and called some soldiers over. "Take Tom somewhere else. We need to attack, and I don't want them getting hurt."

Matt agreed and added, "one of the bedroom's in Tom's zone had its windows removed, put them in that one!"

Edd nodded. And some soldiers started pulling Tom, Marie and his bags away. Tom was panicked! A room without windows?! That's hostage shit!

"WHAT?! NO! LET ME GO! PLEASE! TORD!" Tom screamed as he was pulled out of the room. Tom tried to fight back, but he didn't want to move Marie around too much.

Tord was so angry! Tom was being taken away, and he couldn't do anything! "TOM!" Tord screamed. He stared at Edd in rage. "Edd. Let. Thomas. Go."

Edd was pissed. "No! We're trying to protect him from you!"

Tord ended the called and sighed. He turned to the soldiers standing behind him. "Change of plans: if you see a Rebellion soldier, engage. Attack. Fucking kill them. Understood?"

The soldiers nodded. And the planes landed.

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