Grumpy Beginnings

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Tom rolled over and groaned. "Tord...get off of me..."

Tord mumbled something unintelligibly and continued sleeping. Tom groaned and sighed when he heard Torin crying over the baby monitor. Tom yawned and sat up. "I'm already up, so I'm coming Torin!" Tom stretched and turned to Tord. He sighed and elbowed him in the arm, and he still didn't wake up!

Tom rolled his eyes and went to see Torin. He looked scared. Tom picked him up and held him close to his chest. Now, Torin rarely woke up at night. So right off the bat this was weird. Tom walked back to his bed and kissed Torin's head gently. "Okay honey, you can sleep with us, okay? I love baby boy..." Tom hummed and rocked Torin to sleep. He yawned. He laid down and closed his eyes. When he felt something tugging at his blanket.

"H-Hello?" He called. He looked down and saw, "Marie? Honey, what are you doing up?"

Tom wasn't too surprised by the fact Marie was out of her crib. Tom left her bedroom door open, and though she can't walk yet, Marie has proven herself to be quite the escape artist. Climbing out of her crib, her playpen, and her car seat.

Marie sobbed and cried. Mumbling in a panicked tone. Tom sat up and pulled her into his lap. Torin was sleeping beside Tom on the bed, was, as in past tense. When Tom sat up, it must've scared Torin, waking him up in the process. Tom sighed, now having two crying children to care for, he needed a second hand for this. He turned to look at Tord and gasped. What was that?! I swear...out of the corner of my eye...was that someone in here?! Holding a knife?!"

"T-Tord? Tord, wake up!" Tom whispered. "There's someone in here!"

Tom's visor adjusted to the dark. And he could see the man come closer. Tom stood up and put Marie and Torin back into the bed. He looked in the bedside table for anything! A knife, a switchblade, a gun...something he can use to defend himself and his kids! Tom found the pistol Tord got him; Tord wanted Tom to be able to protect himself, after what happened with Marie, Tord didn't want to take any chances. Tom smiled in an panic and loaded it. He turned to the man, who was mere inches away. Tom panted and fired a blank extremely close to the man. He jumped and stared at Tom with wide eyes. Tom panted. "TORD!" He screamed. "Wake up! Why the hell are you sleeping?!" The man walked to Tom and held his knife to Tom's neck. Tom panted and screamed.

Tom fired another blank away from the man and Tord woke up. He stared with wide eyes at the sight in front of him. "Tord! Help!" Tom cried out. Tord looked confused, then he pulled cotton balls out of his ears. "Seriously?!" Tom shouted. "Cotton balls?! What the hell?!"

Tord shook his head in an angered panic. "I didn't! I swear!" Tord grabbed his own pistol and aimed it at the man. "Fucking, drop. Now. Hands behind your head."

The man gasped. "W-What...?!" He mumbled.

"Did he fucking stutter?!" Tom yelled angrily.

The man dropped his knife in fear. He fell to the ground and held his hands behind his head. Tom put the gun down and knelt down to see Marie and Torin. "Hey! Hey, calm down...okay?"

Tord ran to Tom and his kids. "Hey! Thomas, are you okay? Please? Are you hurt?! Are the kids hurt?!"

Tom gasped, he touched his neck and pulled his hand away to see blood. " neck..."

Tord gasped. "Shit." Tord ran into the bathroom to get a first aid kit. While, Tom spoke to Marie and Torin. By now they were calm, but were worried about their papa.

Tord came back in and sighed. "Okay, so-."

"This might hurt. I know, I know." Tom mumbled.

Minutes later. Tord faintly heard the door open, but brushed it off. Besides, he still had his gun. He turned to Tom, who was holding a wet cloth up to his neck. "Is it clean yet?"

Yours, Forever & Always.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora