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"I wanted to create a human weapon for my army. Someone I could control but would still have control. Do you understand?"

"Somewhat." Tom said keeping his undivided attention on the infant.

Tord continued; "I decided to combine my DNA with that of some of my old friends, and accidentally used yours..."

"You need girl DNA to make one, genius." Tom said while rolling his eyes. "Where'd you get that?"

"I made it." Tord stated proudly. "I won't get into the details, but it did indeed take a while."

Tom was in awe. "So...You're telling me, that we have a child together?"

"Yes. I wanted to bring her to you so you could- "

Tom cut Tord off mid-conversation. "What's her name?"


"Her name? You did name her, right?"

Tord seemed to hesitate. "I...well..."

"Seriously Tord?! You didn't even name her?" Tom shouted.

"I did not get there! I did not even think you would want to keep her! You despise children!" Tord shouted back at Tom.

"I like them when they're mine! Now I need to get a crib and diapers..." Tom's voice trailed off.

"What do you mean? Cribs...? Diapers...?"

"For the baby! Obviously." Tom rolled his eyes. Was Tord serious? Did he really forget to name his own kid? He doesn't even have diapers for fucks sakes! Tom looked down at the child again.

His child.

Tord's child.

Tom wanted to scream. "So, what now?" Tom shouted, "you waltz in here, show me a child, and expect us to what, be friends again? Yeah, I don't think so."

Tord rubbed his forehead and sighed. "I brought her here, so twenty years from now we wouldn't need to have this conversation!" Tord spat. "And now you probably do not even want to-"

"What? Don't want to what Tord? Raise her? You of all people should know that I would never abandon my child!" Tom yelled.

The baby stirred in Tom's arms. Then let out an ear-piercing shriek. Tom was shocked as to how it could come from such a small, frail thing.

"Tom what did you do?!" Tord cried.

"I-I don't know!" Tom stammered. "You were with her longer! Is there anything she likes? A toy?"

"All I know is she hates planes! That is it"

"Planes...? What the- never mind, I don't want to know."

"Sing something!"


"Sing! She likes music! You have Susan, right? Play something!"

Tom stood frozen. Sing something? In front of Tord?! He stared at the baby.

"Here, take her." Tom murmured to Tord as he took the crying child from Tom's arms.

Tom dashed out the room and into his own. "Fuck, fuck, Fuck! Where are you?" Tom opened his bass' case. "Found you!" He ran back to Tord and was surprised to see him rocking the baby as an attempt to calm her down.

"Tom! Thank god!" Tord breathed. "Sing something! And keep it PG." He winked at Tom.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Here goes something..." He murmured as he slowly began playing a soft tune on his bass, and beginning to lose himself in the music, he began to sing.

It doesn't matter what you look like,

Or where you're from.

What should only matter is you knowing,

That you are the one.Who lifts me up

Who brings me down

Who'd knew that you'd fix my frown?

If you'd know just how much I

Want you around.

You are the light

Inside of me

Until dawn.

If you only knew I'm talkin'

'bout you in this song.

Tom strummed the last cord and looked up at Tord.


That was not what he expected.

Tord's mouth was slightly agape. He almost seemed to be in some sort of trance. "Thomas..."

"What? You hated it- I know, I just- " Tom stammered. He knew where this was going. Tord hated music, or at least Toms. He said that a lot. Always yelling at him anytime he'd try to play.

"No-I liked it. It is different then what you played before. Less dark and dreary, more heartfelt." Tord smiled. He looked down at their baby, she seemed relatively happier than before. Smiling and laughing as Tord tickled her and made faces at her. "She likes it too!" Tord beamed.

Tom couldn't help but smile. Seeing Tord like this...could he really have changed? No. Tom thought. He wouldn't, not after the robot.

Tord interrupted Tom's thoughts. "So, are we heading to my place? I have stuff here. Diapers...I would have mentioned it earlier, but you were...well...panicking."

"You could've led with that you know!" Tom cried.

"You...are not mad?" Tord asked curiously.

"No! Hell, I'm relieved! Or my wallet is..." Tom chuckled.

"Well, I guess you should go and pack then, I mean, if you want to stay with me." Tord stated somewhat awkwardly.

"Maybe for a bit. Besides, I didn't think I could stay here much longer..." Tom's voice trailed off. The truth is...

He was scared.


The song Tom sings is one we made ourselves, It doesn't actually have a beat, its just lyrics...sorry to get your hopes up!

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