Houston, I Have So Many Problems.

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Tom was in his room sorting clothes. His wardrobe was anything but special. Mainly hoodies and sweats. With the occasional tux in case he was going out. But in midst of all that, there was one item in particular that could and would not be replaced.

A red hoodie.

Anyone who knew Tom and Tord knew that in their group, they each had a specific colour they wore. For example, Edd wore a green hoodie, Matt a purple, Tom a dark shade of blue, and Tord wore a red hoodie.

Red, like the one Tom has.

Tom slipped the hoodie over his shoulders and breathed in the familiar aroma the hoodie gave off. Tom loved how oversized the hoodie was, surpassing his arms by a great length, so he usually rolled up the sleeves. He finished packing his suitcases when he heard a faint chuckle behind him.

Tom jumped in surprise. "Tord! What the- how long have you been there?!"

"Long enough." Tord smirked, he hugged the baby closer to his chest and gestured towards the hoodie, "where did you get that?"

Tom looked down at the hoodie, fuck... he thought. "You, ah...forgot it at home, er, the old home. Edd didn't want it, so he told me to have it."

"He always was persuasive." Tord chuckled, "He has not changed much, I'm assuming?" The baby cooed in his arms.

Tom frowned. "I wouldn't quite say that..." he grabbed his suitcase and began to leave. I don't have time to deal with this shit. Tom thought. Then he heard a muffled voice come from his drawer.

"Tord wait!" Tom called as Tord opened the drawer, but it was too late. Tord grabbed a shard of glass and stared at the picture looking back at him.

"What the hell is this?!" He cried, dropping the shard and almost dropping the baby.

"TORD!" Tom screamed as he caught the glass before it smashed. The glass cut into Tom's hand and left a nasty scratch. He rushed to grab the baby from Tord.

"Hey, hey...Tom, I got her, do not worry, I would not drop her." Tord said attempting to calm Tom's nerves.

"No Tord I-I got her." Tom grabbed the baby while trying not to cut her. Instead, cutting himself more. "Fuck! God! Ah...Sorry baby...and for almost dropping you Tam..." Tom mumbled to the glass, and the baby.

Tord stared in amazement as a womanly voice spoke back.

"It's alright. I got cut too, who knew Tori could be so damn clumsy?"

A husky, womanly, Norwegian voice answered back saying, "I am NOT! You should have told me this was some weird, mirror magic going on here! And, I am not the Virgin Mary. I'm not a fucking saint.

"So, Tom what is this?" Tord asked with a skeptical look in his eye.

"Matt got a mirror that led to a world opposite to ours, where we're women, and it broke, so I kept a piece. That girl you saw, was Tori, the other girl is Tamara, or Tam for short." Tom replied, trying his best to explain this odd phenomenon.

Tord was quiet for a moment before exclaiming loudly, "Marie!" That's it!"

Tom stared at him with a confused look on his face, rocking the baby closer to his chest. "Marie?"

"Yes Exactly! It's a baby name! It's like what girl me said! This baby, with it being a combined version of us, would be a saint! Just imagine it!" Tord cried happily whilst grabbing Tom by his shoulders.

"Wait...Its perfect!" Tom exclaimed. "God, thanks Tam!"

"Its mutual! You helped us too! Thanks!" Tamara's muffled voice came from the mirror shard as Tord placed it carefully in Tom's suitcase.

"Weirdest shit I have seen all day." Tord mumbled.

Tom smiled at Tord. Smiling. He thought. Haven't done that in a while.

"So, do you have a car? I carpooled here..." Tord confessed.

Now it was Tom's turn to smirk. "The Red Leader had to carpool?"

"It's NOT FUNNY!" Tord snapped.

"Fine, fine. Yeah, I have a car. We need to stop and get a car seat for Marie though..." Tom mentioned.

Tord smiled. "Alright then, let us head off. But first, let me patch up your hand."

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