How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?

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Tom turned to where he heard his name being called.

"Tord." Tom breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Tord running towards him.

Tom hesitantly stood up as Tord grabbed his shoulders.

"TOM! I heard a gunshot! Are you hurt?! Did someone shoot you?! Are you okay?" Tord frantically asked Tom, barely letting Tom say anything.

Tom sighed with tears in his eyes. "Are you shitting me right now...? Do you really care...?" Tom knew he sounded pathetic, but he needed to know. Everyone else has been lying to him and treating him like shit. But...? Could Tord really change?

"Care...? Of course I do! Just because other people have changed for the worse, doesn't mean some can't change for the better. And besides..." Tord pulled Tom into a tight embrace, "we have Marie now. A symbol of us actually cooperating and making something wonderful."

Tom smiled at how heartfelt and kind Tord was acting.

"So you've really changed, huh?' Tom smirked as he let go of Tord's embrace and walked back to Marie and the car.

"Believe it or not Thomas, I have." Tord stated proudly as he draped and arm over Tom's shoulders. "Now, let's head inside. We wouldn't want to miss our flight, would we?"

Tom shook his head as a response and they walked back to the car, where surprising, Marie had been sleeping soundly. Tom chuckled at Marie, followed by yawning and rubbing his eyes tiredly. Tom saw Tord smirk as he took Marie out of her car seat, while Tom grabbed the bags.

There were only three bags, but they were pretty heavy. One consisting of Tom's clothes and whatnot, whiles the others were Marie's, with Tord's stuff thrown in between.

They walked inside the airport and Tord was met with a swarm of people. All asking where he's been, and if he found 'the other donor', whoever that was.

Once the crowed cleared, Tom saw that Tord had unknowingly walked off leaving Tom stranded.

Oh great. Tord found his little friends and left me all alone. Tom looked up at the sign and tried to figure out where his flight was. Which would've been easier if Tord actually told Tom where his base was. Tom eventually gave up and sighed in frustration. He walked up to Tord when he heard some voices behind him.

"Lookie here! Looks like Red has a new pet!" One voice called with a seductive tone.

The others just laughed as they all proceeded to laugh and whistle at Tom.

Tom awkwardly walked up to Tord as the whistles just grew louder, and louder, eventually waking up Marie.

Tom placed a gentle hand on her back and softly spoke to her to get her to calm down. Which luckily worked.

The Tom heard a loud ahem coming from beside him.

Tom turned to the voice. "Can I help you?" Tom asked eyeing this man.

The man seemed annoyed as he sighed. "You can, actually. Start by explaining who the hell you are!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "I'm Thomas Rose. Call me Tom."

The man slapped Tom across the face. "I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK TO ME!" He screamed. He turned to Tord. "Your new Pet, should learn to respect its elders."

"Sergeant! Calm. The fuck. Down." Tord spat. "Tom is not, a pet. Unlike you, I don't force people into sex. They generally like me. You of all people, wouldn't understand that. Tom, is my assistant. Or secretary if you will."

Tom butted in, "actually I'm-"

Tord looked at Tom with a look that haunted Tom. It was one his mother would always give him. Tom wanted to shrink into a ball and hide. His mother was never a nice person, and Tord could be just like her if he desired to, so, Tom backed down.

The man continued yelling at Tord so eventually Tord grabbed Tom's arm and they walked away.

Tom sighed and looked away from Tord.

Tord brought Tom's face to meet his.

They were mere inches away from each other when Tom heard another whistle from behind him.

Tord turned around in a fit of rage and spotted the group.

"The FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Tord shouted.

One boy, the one from earlier spoke up, "Red! Chill! We didn't mean you! We meant that guy! In the black turtleneck! Besides, its not like he's someone important anyways!"

Tord blew up again. "Not important?! HE'S THE OTHER DONOR FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Tord gestured to some security officers. "This whole group here, the cells. ALL of them. No stragglers."

Tom was both stunned and terrified at how quickly Tord's mood changed.

Tord then walked over to Tom. "Were they just speaking with you, or did they touch you? Punch? Kick? Anything?"

Tom was a bit in shock, but he shook his head and Tord breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on Tom," Tord smiled, taking Tom's hand in his own. "We have a flight to catch."

And with that, they left.

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