I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.

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Trains. Tom fucking hates trains. They take up too much time and always make him late. But today, trains gave him a reason to think. Like for example...

"How the fuck are those cars still following us?" Tom wondered aloud.

Tord was baffled. "What do you mean?"

Tom gestured out his window. "Beside us? They have weird symbols and shit-"


Usually, Tom would've replied with a snarky comment, but this was in different circumstances.

And besides, if what Tord said earlier was true, then he wouldn't purposely put their kid in danger.

That's just stupid.

So Tom put the car in reverse and backed up as far as he could.

"Thomas what the fuck are you doing?! Just fucking turn around." Tord hissed.

Tom rolled his eyes. "I got this. Trust me."

Tom waited until an empty freight car came into view and sped over it.

He was praying that the cars wouldn't follow him.

Unfortunately, they did.

Here comes the fun part.

The cars barely made it over and sped off after Tom, who stubbornly never took his foot off the gas.

He accelerated and sped off leaving them in the dust. He then quickly turned and vanished down an alleyway.

Tom yelped and shouted with a drive for excitement that he never even thought he still had. He turned to look at Tord for a brief second and found him looking back.

Home free! Tom thought as the airport came into view. He drove up to the runways and prayed The Yellow Army wouldn't follow. The he heard the rattling of gunshots on the back of the car.

"They're shooting at us!" Tord shouted.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Tom shouted back.

Tom drifted until he was facing the cars behind him and thrusted the car into reverse. The car roared as it drove away from the impending doom.

Tom swerved left as the other car followed, while some slow one swerved right. Tom narrowly escaped before watching as behind him the cars crashed and exploded into a great roar of flames.

Tom released the gas and placed a firm foot on the brake. He then stopped the vehicle and stepped out, staring at the explosion in both wonder, and horror.

Then he ran.

He needed to make sure that they were okay! He didn't want to have killed those people!

Tord stepped out of the vehicle and called after Tom. But Tom didn't answer.

"TOM!" Tord called after Tom.

But Tom kept running.

Tord glanced at Marie, miraculously, she wasn't fussy, she was sound asleep. Tord then glanced at Tom, then back to Marie. He continued this until he decided to run after Tom.

He'll admit, leaving a baby alone wouldn't be one of his finest moments, but Tom could seriously be in danger! God! Tord hoped Tom was alright! All he wanted was to see Tom and give him the biggest kiss-No. Nononononononono. Not kiss...kill! Yes, Tom shouldn't have made me leave Marie alone! I...fuck what's wrong with me?!

Tord was almost caught up with Tom when he saw him collapse on the ground, then he heard something that made his blood run cold.

A gunshot.

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