Embrace for Impact.

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~And now, back with your usually scheduled TordTom!~

Tord smiled as he finished the story. Leaving out what he and Tom did, but mentioning what Tom said. Paul and Patryck's eyes lit up.


"He called me, Love." Tord said excitedly. He smiled. "That's why I need to get him back. He has Marie. If anything were to happen to the two of them, I'd kill everyone here."

Paul and Pat nodded. "Tord..." Pat started. "We know. Pau had logged into the cameras."

"Really?! What?! I-I...what did he say?! Or do?! Is he okay?! Can you see him?!"

"Well...I mean, not for long. He came in here, fucking brutally murdered these soldiers. Then he-...he.." Paul snickered and struggled to finish speaking.

Tord was, of course, getting impatient. "He what?!"

Pat looked at Paul with an unamused expression. "Sorry! Sorry!" Paul exclaimed. He cleared is his throat. "Okay, so after he-..."

"Brutally murdered these soldiers, we know. What happened next?!" Tord grumbled.

"Well, he says, wait, I'll play the clip." Paul clicked play on his tablet, and the clip shocked everyone.

Tom was seen grabbing Tord's spare gun. Hence, the reason it was gone. He shot one the soldiers, killing them instantly. One soldier panicked at the sound of the gunshot and fumbled with his gun. And he eventually decided to instead, hit Tom in the head with the gun. Causing his head to start gushing out blood. He fell to the floor and found a knife.

Tord's knife.

He used it to stab the soldier in the eye. He then grabbed his gun and shot the last soldier. He was panting and shaking profusely.

He sighed. "Holy fuck...it's too late for this shit."

Paul ended the video and cracked up laughing. Pat and Tord weren't impressed. Paul sighed and pressed play again.

Tom was seen running into Marie's room and coming out with Marie securely in his arms. He kissed her forehead lovingly and sighed. "Shh, love calm down...we're okay. It's okay..." Tom mumbled more to himself before running out at the sound of gunshots, and more soldiers bursting in.

Tom runs out a nearby exit and into Tords car. He drives off with yellow soldiers closely following behind him.

The video ended and Tord ran off. Paul and Pat followed closely behind him. Tord sighed and braced himself on a nearby railing off of the hall balcony. His head drooped down over his shoulders. "Oh god...!" Tord felt tears fill his eyes. He sighed. This was too hard. Having Tom gone, and Marie, it was all too much for him. He cried. He sobbed. He let the tears stream down his face. Paul and Pat rubbed his back sympathetically. Pat pulled out his phone and called someone, but Tord tuned it out.

If he haven't gotten mad at Tom, they wouldn't be in this situation!

Tord sobbed. "Faen i helvete! FAEN! FAEN! FAEN!!"

Paul rubbed his back. He nervously looked at Pat. Pat smiled and stood beside Tord. "Hey...love, don't worry...Tom will be okay. Besides, I sent every. Single. Soldier out. They're all suiting up now. They messed with our family."

Paul smiled and added. "No one, and I mean, no one, Messes with the Lost's."

"And," Tord said through tears. He sniffled. "Ohana means family..." he mumbled, remembering the movie him and Tom watched with Marie.

Paul and Patryck couldn't help but laugh. They all ran to the plane hanger and walked into one of the large SWAT vehicles. Paul sat in the drivers seat, with Patryck in the passenger seat. And Tord, Reggie, Jessie, Axle, Ginny and Bits sat in the backseats.

Bits sighed. "Sir, I'm sorry...We should've been there! We, we should've had soldiers there! Or guards, or...or..."

"Bits." Axle said with a frown. "There's nothing we could've done. They cut the cords to the alarms. That's why they came on late. The Techs were taking a bit longer due to it being dark out."


"No buts, Bits. C'mere." Axle held Bits in his lap.

Tord smiled. Their relationship reminded him of his and Tom's. He sighed. "Look, Bits, you don't need to come. It wasn't anyone's fault. Well...except mine..."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted in a loud, unison gasp.

"Yep, I fought with Tom, and if I wasn't fucking hungover..." Tord sniffled.

Jessie rubbed Tord's back reassuringly. "Hey, calm down...Tom'll be okay. Alright? He's probably fine!"

Yours, Forever & Always.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora