It doesn't help that these security bracelets are making it damn near impossible to snoop around the place. This past week I've pretty much just been coming into Shark Bait, doing my ticket sales job, and then going home. On my lunch breaks, I tend to walk around the place to see if I can spot any new employees I've yet to take note of but I always fall short.

It seems like everyone just has the same routine, going over the same few things everyday and I'm hoping that if it stays like that then it'll eventually make it easier to snoop around. I know this case is going to take a while, but I'm already getting antsy. It's been a week of no new information, not even something small, and it's frustrating me. A lot.

I know I can't expect information to just be thrown at me like that, I'm new here and there's absolutely no way anyone here even remotely trusts me. It's evident in the way Zayn is always somehow lingering around wherever I am and I know he's the first person I have to gain the trust of.

Princess probably wants to burn her ears off with her heat lamp given I've been ranting to her every night about my "stupid little job at the stupid little aquarium." Jesse's been booked solid this week at the shop too which leaves her to be my sound board. I've given her extra crickets every night to make up for it.

Every night I come home from work and have nothing to do, no plans to get ready for. I've not only finished knitting the beanie I was in the process of completing, but I've also knitted a cardigan and three scarves out of complete boredom. I'm burning through all my yarn faster than ever before.

I almost even called my mother out of desperation, not that she would have answered anyways. I had to talk myself out of doing it, I knew I'd just hang up the phone feeling more lonely than I already was, never mind disappointed. Jesse would have slapped my phone out of my hand if he was there. Rightfully so though, it was a momentary slip on my part but I'm glad I caught myself.

I'm well aware that I'm a clingy person but as much as I sometimes hate it, I can't help it. I do like having my alone time to cook and knit but I don't like having it too often. And although Princess can be the greatest of company at times, she ultimately isn't human. I don't need someone to be talking or giving me attention 24/7, I just like having the presence of them around me, it's comforting in a sense. It makes up for all the nights I spent home alone when I was a kid.

I think this is also a deeper reason as to why I chose this profession. No matter the case, it's almost guaranteed that I'll be surrounded by people — good or bad. It's why I'm not terribly mad about having a job at Shark Bait, I'm always surrounded by people.

I'm lucky that Jesse understands me, I know that's why he comes over to my place so often. Most people I've dated or such have made fun of me for my need for their presence or were very vocal about their annoyance towards it. I laugh it off to their faces but their words definitely burn on the inside. I try not to be overbearing and a lot for someone to handle but I guess I fail every time.

It's also why I hardly had any friends growing up. After meeting Jesse and learning that he was the one person who never got tired of my company, I just never found it in me to go out and meet new people. I hated introducing myself and feeling like I was a burden in people's company so it just made sense to keep to myself instead. One can only handle rejection a certain amount of times, we all have our limits.

If Jesse ever got annoyed by me though he has never made me feel like it. He's the most supportive person in my life and has ultimately seen me at my highest and lowest points no matter what the situation is. I vividly remember the first breakup I went through, he was the first person I called. It was then that he showed up to my house with a shit load of movies, chocolate and all my knitting stuff I had left at his place — all the things he knew would make me feel better.

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