"Please stay longer. We can make paper stars, bake cookies and play board games", Judy stated laying on her stomach across Drew's lap causing him to chuckle.

"Should I stay longer, Aimee?", he asked raising an eyebrow looking at her playfully.

"Yes, you should, you can keep me company", she placed a hand on his thigh looking at him flirtatiously. The flustered look on his face was all to make her laugh. "What's going on in your head, Thomas? Come on help me set up the stuff to make cookies". Drew launched at her carrying her bridal style causing her to shriek and let out a laugh.

Lorraine shook her head smiling at the two. She remembered when she and Ed used to be like that.


"Georgiana? Aimee?", Aimee and Drew heard Ed calling from the room.

"Dad, what's wrong? Oh", Aimee ran downstairs to see Ed and a guilty-looking Judy. "Judy, you can't go in that room no matter what?".

"I'm sorry, Goldie", Judy whimpered. "I didn't mean to go inside".

"It's alright... come on let's go make cookies with Drew", she carried her upstairs to the kitchen.


"Smells good in here", Lorraine smiled walking into the kitchen to see freshly baked cookies on a plate.

"Do you want one, mummy?", Judy lifted her cookie up for her mother to take a bite.

"Taste good. Good job. Come into the study, I have a present for you girls", Lorraine giggled walking away.

"Come on, Judy". Drew, Aimee, and Judy walked to the study as Lorraine passed two white boxes to her daughters who gasped. "Mum, this is the dress I talked about that day. And you got a matching one for Judy".

"Go put it on. I want to see it". The girls ran to their room to put it on before running back in.

"Help me button the back", Aimee told Drew who moved her hair out of the way to help her button the back of her dress. "Thank you".

"You look beautiful, girls", Lorraine gushed pulling Judy on her to comb her hair.

"I like it, thanks mum", Aimee says picking up the end of the white dress.

"You look pretty", Drew complimented grabbing her hand to spin her around. He watched as her hair and dress flowed around beautifully before wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

"Thank you, kind sir", she patted his cheek moving away from him at the same time Ed opened the door to the study to see his girls plus Drew giggling.

"Hey, what's going in here?", Ed asked walking in with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Daddy, look", Judy giggled twirling around in her new dress. "Goldie got one too".

"You both look very pretty", Ed complimented smiling at his beautiful daughters.

"Alright, all done. Go get dressed for dinner", Lorraine placed the hairbrush away after putting Aimee's hair into a bun.

"I'm wearing it to dinner", Judy sang playfully to Lorraine.

"No your not. Drew you're staying for dinner", Lorraine laughed.

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt your family dinner", Drew asked looking anxious.

"Please I insist you join... Judy and Aimee would've loved it if you stay for dinner", Lorraine sent a wink to Aimee who blushed. She knew about Aimee's liking for Drew.

"Alright, I'll check on Judy", Drew walked away with Aimee following behind.

"That was so awkward", Aimee laughed slapping Drew's arm. He rolled his eyes at her with a smile on his face.

"Aimee, can we give a cookie to daddy?", Judy asked already holding a plate of cookies with a cup of milk.

"Sure... here give me the milk", Aimee grabbed the milk from her scared that she might drop the plate whilst holding it with one hand.

Ed and Lorraine snapped their heads to the door when it opened by itself. The two immediately stood up with worried faces before they changed into a relief look when the three walked in.

"I'm sorry for going inside the room, daddy. I won't do it again", Judy apologized passing the cookies and milk to Ed who smiled kissing his daughter's forehead.

"So, now that is done... dinner?", Aimee asked with an impatient face which made the rest laugh.

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