Chapter 25 The Plantiff

Start from the beginning

"Let us know, what you feel about the chemistry between this beautiful couple."

He is interrupted by a voice, but his gaze remains on her face in the lcd

"Sir you called?"

The man asks afraid to only have the man throw his glass on the ground, missing his feet by an inch.

The man flinches, but doesn't say a word.
Going still and lowering his eyes.

"I thought the girl was in jail for life imprisonment."

"What the hell is she doing modeling around like a star!"

"I...Sir....I will check...I...."

"Do it! Now!"

The guard calls someone, and nods. His fearful eyes meeting the man's burning ones every few seconds.

Ending the call he nods.

"Sir... Vivian Klein. She got released 2 years back....she.."

"I can see that you fool! I ask who gave her the damn bail! And why the hell am I knowing this now!"

"Roman Klein....her step father ....he applied for it-"

"Shut the bullshit dammit! He can't! He is fuc*ing too weak to get a bail! "

The guard nods. The next words leaving his words made the man to kick the table and burn in a fire of unquenchable anger.

"Someone...assisted Roman....we were not able to get the name but he pulled some strings to get her released."

Breathing heavily, he clenches his fists. Knowing well, who is powerful enough to mess with him.

Giving a sardonic laugh, he nods to himself.

"The game just got interesting."

"What ...what do you mean Sir?"

"He is back in business."

"Who...who Sir?"

"Edward Rogers."

"The bastard is out of the coma I put him in.And he won't settle at anything but vengeance for his dead lover and daughter."

"What....what do we do next Sir?"

"Get the bait and the attacker will follow."

"What...what do you mean Sir?"

And that's when he smiles, placing his hands in his pockets and looking at the lcd tv.

"Get me the girl."


She couldn't go back to the place he called home.

She just wanted to be left alone for once

Without anyone seeing her, hidden in the shadows.

Away from everyone.

Sitting on a bench in the busy street, she liked being imaginary.
Just her and her old companion.


Her thoughts are broken by a young child chuckling, she looks up to see a girl of 4 laughing in her mother's lap as she played with her.

She automatically smiles seeing the cute girls smile.

Her hands moving to her stomach and a sob leaves her lips.
It hurts so much that she couldn't say.

Rubbing on the place her scar stays on her face, she removed the make up .

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