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"Girlfriend??" I gawk as i look over at my friend, "I've never had a girlfriend before and you know that."

"She's not necessarily my favorite person but, i can tell that she cares about you." Pope shrugs.

"Even if she does, are you sure he's even ready for a girlfriend, John B and Sarah are alive, we have more important things to worry about." Kiara says as she looks over at me.

"Hey!" A voice shouts out from behind me, I turn my head slightly to see Octavia walking towards us. She had a bright smile on her face as the strands of hair left out of her ponytail, whipped around in the wind.

"Took you long enough." I scoff as she walks up beside me, "I had to walk." She says smugly.

"Okay, we need to tell you something, and we promise we're not fucking with you." Pope says, I watch as her eyebrows furrow and notice her eyes were narrowing, "Jesus, what is it now?"

"John B and Sarah are alive." I blurt out before Pope can say anything else.
Pope sighs as he looks at me, "Way to take my moment."

Octavias face falls after a few seconds, "What?" She asks as she rubs her hand against her arm.
"We'll need your help clearing John B's name." Kiara says abruptly, "You were on the runway so you can testify saying Rafe did it, unless you're still the same cold hearted bitch that everyone knows and loves." She scoffs.

"Kiara." I mumble, knowing she had a place in her heart for Rafe.
"It's true, we all know she cares about that freak, you were just whining about it 10 minutes ago." She scoffs.

I clear my throat as Kiara continues speaking, "John B's gonna get nabbed sooner or later, so if we're gonna clear his name we need to have done it like yesterday." She sighs.

"I'll tell you how we do it." I say as i look at the group, "So you have ur all planned out?" Pope asks as he looks up at me.

"As a matter of fact i do." I say with a small smirk, "We kidnap Rafe." I say with a nod as i lean my leg onto the dock.

"I'm sorry, what?" Octavia looks at me like i just suggested bombing all of obx.

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick a gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squeaking." I say as i conclude my idea.

"You know, tortures a warm crime." Kiara points out, "Yeah so now exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name, from a prison cell, because that's a felony." Pope states as if we all know what's considered an illegal crime.

"All right then what do you got Pope??" I ask as i sit down a few feet away from him, "I was just tryna keep it simple, you know one stop and we're done."

"All we need is a material witness and we've got one right here." Pope says, all of our eyes fall on Octavia who was standing in front of us, chewing on her white manicured nails.

"Hm?" She asks as she looks up, knowing she was easily distracted, I clear my throat, "What about the pilot." I ask.

"What about the pilot?? Octavia's standing right here, she'll work." Kiara groans.

"Just give her a minute to think this shit through, she just found out about Sarah and John B." I mutter as i look at Kiara.

"She's fine, who cares about that dickhead anyways??" She snarls.

"I'll do it." Octavia mutters.



"I'll do it." I say again

"Tave, you don't have too." JJ sighs as he looks at me.
"It's the right thing to do, I knew i was gonna have to do something about it eventually."

I sit down as the wind blows through my hair, hugging my knees to my chest, i try to think about how it's even possible that Sarah and John B survived.
Shoupe had said they lost them, a storm like that wasn't survivable.

John B hated me, him being gone , as awful as it was, was like a weight of my shoulder had been lifted off my shoulders, i didn't have the constant reminder of what i did.

It was starting to get dark out and Kiaras mom came out to offer us dinner, I followed the pogues in silence as thoughts continued racing through my head.
If John B comes back would he tell the cops what happened?

"You gonna eat anything?" JJ's voice interrupts me from my silent thoughts.
I look up and notice there a plate piled with food in front of me, "Uh, no i'm not hungry."

"I don't think i've ever seen her eat." Kiara says as she slides into the empty seat beside JJ.
"Do you like not eat or something? You are a bit too thin."

I feel my jaw clench as i look up at her, "You know, I don't think i ever asked for your input on my eating habits." I snarl.
"I'm sorry that me being around is making you so insecure that you feel the need to make a comment on every. single. thing i do. And stop acting like you own jj, he clearly doesn't like you and if you haven't been able to take the hint by now then you're just pathetic."
I watch as her eyes narrow at me and she crosses her arms, "I was just pointing it out you didn't have to take it so personally, it wouldn't hurt to eat a bit of-"

"Shut the hell up." JJ shouts as he stands up from the table, causing all the remaining diners to look over at him.
"Stop fucking talking about her, i've been trying to excuse your childish behavior because of everything that's been going on lately, but you are just so fucking unbearable it's insane, i'm done listening to you shit on her constantly because you can't act like a normal human for once." He shouts, "Cmon." He says as he looks over at me.

"We still need to work on a way to help John B-" Kiara starts and jj looks back at her, "I think i've had enough for tonight."

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat