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I watched as dozens of police cars whizzed past me, I was riding my bike down one of the main roads to get home.

Humming to myself to drown out the sirens, I continue pedaling towards my house when i hear someone calling out my name.

I stop my bike and turn my head to see Rafe and Barry sitting on their motorcycles across the street.

I sigh as i start walking my bike over to the other side of the road.
"What are you guys doing?" I ask as i approach them.

"Look, there's a 25k bounty on John B's name right now-" Rafe starts and i shake my head, "No, Rafe you can't go after him, Sarah was on that runway, you don't think she's gonna run to the cops?" I ask as cars continue speeding past us.

"Wait hold up." Rafe says as he looks out on the road.

"What?" I ask as i follow his eyesight.

"Yo, is that kie?" He asks and i trail my eyes to the car driving past us.

"There go that little bitch ass right there." Barry shouts as he revs his engine.

"Tave hop on." Rafe says as he motions towards the back of his bike.

Reluctantly, I drop my bike and climb on the back of Rafe's.

He immediately starts speeding after Barry and I wrap my arms around his waist to keep myself steady.

"Can i ask why we're following Kiara?" I ask, I had to squint my eyes because the wind was whipping at my hair.

When Rafe didn't answer, I decided not to ask again because he seemed to be in a proactive mood.

( I-iM a PrOAcTiVe PeRSon!!)

I just continue to hold on was we go racing down the road.

Paying more attention to not flying off the back of the bike, I realize that we had started to slow down.

I look up as Rafe and Barry park in front of a large storage unit.

"What are they doing." I mutter under my breath as i climb off the bike.

"Octavia, just stay here alright?" Rafe says as an order more then a suggestion.

I watch as Rafe and Barry walk towards the large doors of the unit and realize that i have two options right now.
I could just take Rafe's bike, go home and forget this ever happened.
Or, I could go against everything my morales are telling me, for a boy that gets his ass in trouble every other day.

Alright, second option it is, "Jesus." I mutter to myself after realizing that i was having a full on conversation with myself.

I hear commotion inside of the storage unit and look around me for anything i could use.
To the left to me, there was a large crate with a big wooden plank on it.

Sighing, I grab the plank and start walking towards the storage unit doors.

I slowly creep around the boat that was placed in the middle of the garage, I can hear Rafe yelling and i peek my head around the corner.

Rafe had Kiara by the throat and Barry was punching jj repeatedly.

"WHERES JOHN B??" He shouts, I take this moment to step out from my place behind the boat, raising the plank, i hold it above my head before slamming it down onto Rafe's back.

"DONT TOUCH HER!" I shout as i swing at Rafe again.

Rafe slowly stands up as he looks at me, "Who's side are you on Thorton?" He asks as he wipes blood off his fingers.

"Definitely not yours." I spit out, Rafe chuckles before throwing a punch at me, I quickly swing the plank in his direction, which he dodges.

I watch as he starts making his way towards me, "Just leave Rafe." I say with a shaky breath.

"You know where John B is." He says as he continues walking towards me.

I take a step back as i continue to hold the plank up, "No, Rafe I don't."

"Don't you fucking lie to me." He snarls as he starts to lunge at me, I swing the plank in his direction and nearly trip over myself when it doesn't hit anything.

Instead I hear a loud metal clang. Pope was standing above Rafe with a metal pole, Breathing heavily as Rafe started to stand up again.

Rafe lunges at him and the two start throwing punches at each other.

Looking over to the other commotion, JJ was busy trying to fend himself from Barry.

I run over to them and use all my effort to slam my fist into Barry's face.

"FUCK." I shout as i shake my hand from the impact, that felt like i just hit a fucking rock, Thanks Barry.

I look over as JJ spits out a small chuckle, "Oh yeah laugh all you want, You're the one who was getting your ass kicked." I scoff.

"Just fucking stupid to punch like that, you could've broken you're thumb." He points out as he shakes his head.

Before i could respond, Barry had recovered from my failed attempt at a punch and was heading back towards jj.

"You might wanna-" I start to say before Barry tackles jj to the floor.

Rushing towards the two, I grab a hold of Barry and slam his back into the side of the boat, deciding not to test jj's broken thumb theory, I knee him in the gut and watch as he bends over with a loud groan.

I walk over to jj who was still laying on the ground, I stand over him and look down, "Who's the stupid one now?" I smirk as i offer him my hand.

He rolls his eyes as he grabs onto my hand, I help him up and he raises an eyebrow, "What happened to staying away from each other until this situation blows over?"

"What happened to, Thanks for making sure i didn't get beat to death." I ask as i look at him and he lets out a laugh as he shakes his head, "You're full of it."

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz