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"Just hold the washcloth on her nose." A voice echos in the distance.

"I know what i'm doing, shut the fuck up."

"The washcloth isn't cold enough, you clearly have no clue what you're doing."

"Maybe i would've been able to pay more attention to her if you weren't criticizing my every move."

I can feel my fingers slowly start moving but my eyes remained shut as i felt the sharp pain of my throbbing head.

"It's your fault she got hit."

"You decided to start a fucking fight."

"You decided to come to my house."

"And you had to bring my dad up."

"Stop fucking around with her, she's not interested in you."

"Is it so hard to accept the fact that she might want to have a little adventure in her life??"

"You're going to wreck her life, you already wrecked Sarah's life and got her killed, i'm not letting that happen to my sister."

The voices continue echoing back and forth as i feel my eyes slowly opening.
The first thing i notice when i try to take a breath, was that i couldn't even breathe out of my nose because there was a wet cloth pressed against my nose.

I cough as i push the washcloth off my face, "Jesus, do you two want me to suffocate or something." I spit out as i clear my throat.

"You know you could breathe through your mouth..." JJ suggests and i shrug, "Too much work."

"Are you feeling ok?" Topper asks as he shoves jj aside. "Yeah i'm fine....Why?" I ask as i raise an eyebrow.

"JJ, over here knocked you out." Topper mumbles as he looks at me.

"I was trying to hit your brother over here." JJ says as he glares at Topper.

"Look, I really don't care." I grumble as i stand up. I look around and raise an eyebrow, "Why are we in Toppers room? You know i hate the smell of your stupid air fresheners." I scoff.

"I wasn't going to lug you up 3 flights of stairs." jj says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Whatever, i'm going to my room." I groan as i pull open the door to Toppers room.

"I'll come with you." Topper and JJ both state at the same time.

They both look at each other before starting to shove into each other.
JJ ends up pushing Topper onto the ground and smugly walking towards me.

I roll my eyes as i grab onto his hand, "You don't have to fight my brother every single second, you know that right?" I ask as i walk out of the room.

"He hates me and I hate him." He shrugs as we start walking up the stairs.

"He's always trying to give me reasons as to how i'll ruin your life." He scoffs.

"You make my life interesting jay, i mean that." I say with a small smile as i continue walking up towards my room.

I push open the door to my bedroom and immediately shriek when i see two people laying naked on my bed.
I grab a large pillow from one of my chairs and walk over to my bed. "GET." I shout as i whack them with the pillow, "OFF. OF. MY. BED. YOU. SICK. FUCK!" I shout as i hit them between every word.

They quickly get up and run out of my room, leaving their clothes on the floor. I pick up the pile and walk over to the door, "TAKE YOUR CLOTHES YOU STUPID BASTARDS!" I shout as i toss them out of the room.

I slam the door shut and sigh, "Are you hungry?" I ask as i look at jj.

JJ gawks at me as he leans against the wall, "That was...Impressive."

"Did you actually knock me out?" I ask and he sighs, "Yeah uh, sorry about that." He mumbles.

"No it's fine, must've been a pretty good hit though." I say with a small laugh.

"Speaking of hit..." JJ says as he looks at me.
"Behind the mirror in the bathroom, in a toothpaste box." I sigh.

JJ smiles as he walks into my bathroom, I flop down onto my bed lifelessly and it finally settles in that my childhood best friend is dead.

"Holy shit." I mutter to myself as i sit up. A random wave of emotions that i haven't felt in a while hit me.
I'm usually one to hide my feelings because telling other people how i feel in the moment, is just fucking weird to me.

I admire people who are able to talk about anything like it's no big deal.
JJ plops down next to me, my vape being lifted to his mouth as he takes a hit. "You okay?" He asks after noticing my silence.

"Yeah." I say with a small smile, not bothering to look up.

He sighs as he shifts himself closer to me, "You know i'm not gonna make you talk about your feelings but, if you ever need to talk." He says quietly and i nod.

After a few seconds of silence, I look up. "Let's go swimming." I say suddenly.

"Swimming?" He asks and i nod, "Mhm." I mutter as i stand up and wipe a stray tear from my cheek.

"Alright, what happened within the 1 minute span that i was in your bathroom?" JJ asks as he looks up at me.

"She's mad at me." I mumble and he raises an eyebrow, "Who?"

"Sarah, she died mad at me, the last exchange ever between us was a shitty one and now she's gone and i'm gonna have to live with that guilt forever." I say, not really sure where the sudden outburst came from.

I Couldn't really tell if i sounded angry or upset, i felt both. Knowing that i'll never see her again, and knowing that i could've changed things if i really wanted too, if only i knew i had a limited amount of time left with her.

"Shit." jj mutters as he stands up and walks over to me, "I'm not good at this but uh, you know that she cares, or cared about you, a lot. She'd always talk about how she wished you guys were close again, she missed you a lot." He says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I lean my head into his chest as i let out a deep breath, "Toppers right you know." I say quietly.

"About?" He asks and i sigh, "Not about me being too good for you, just that it might not work out for us. You have your whole friend group and i don't wanna ruin it, I mean yeah you make my life so much more interesting but i feel like i just keep dragging you into all my shit. I mean, Rafe already has it out for you but now that he knows that we've been hanging out he hates you guys even more." I whisper, "Plus Kiara seems to like you, A lot and if somethings going on i wouldn't want to-"

"For fucks sake, Kiara is being delusional and she knows there's nothing going on between me and her, and i haven't been dragged into anything that's happened with you. Octavia I love you alright? And i don't know how that even happened cause in all honestly you can't be kind of a bitch." He says with a small laugh.

My eyes look up when i hear that word again. "You actually love me?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, I do." He says as he looks down at me.

"Do you?" He asks suddenly.

I slowly let go of jj's hand and start walking towards my bed, "I'm tired." I state as i climb into bed.

A few seconds later jj climbs into bed next to me and leans his head against one of the pillows. We both lay facing each other as the sound of the party echos from downstairs.

I open my eyes 20 minutes later and look over at jj who's eyes were shut. I watch as his chest slowly rises and falls with every breath.

"JJ?" I whisper, not sure if he was awake or not.

"Hm?" He mumbles, his eyes remaining shut.

"I love you too." I say quietly as i continue looking at him.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang