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"You're not going home alone tonight." JJ insists a few minutes later.
Everyone else had already gone home but jj refused to leave until he made sure i was ok.

"I just don't wanna have to face my mom right now." I whisper and jj nods, "We can stay at the chateau."

"Are you sure you wanna do that right now?" I ask and he sighs, "I practically live there anyways." He mutters as he starts my car.

I watch as he pulls down the road and starts tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Maybe we should call Kiara and Pope-" I start and he shakes his head, "No."

"You guys need to be there for each other right now, you all just lost a best friend." I say quietly.

"You lost a best friend too." He mutters as he take a sharp turn down the road.


I hand JJ a beer a few hours later, the rain had stopped and we were sitting out on the porch as the sun was slowly rising in the distance.

"We should have a party." He says as he takes a swig out of the beer bottle.

"A party?" I ask as i look at him.

"I need something to get my mind off this, i need to get drunk as fuck and just pretend that i don't have a care in the world." He sighs as he stares up at the ceiling.

"We can have it at my house." I suggest and he spits out a laugh, "Fuck no, it would just be a kook fest."

"Heated pool, lots of space." I shrug with a smile, "Sounds perfect to me."

"Why does your pool have to be heated." He laughs, "I get cold so fucking easily." I laugh and he shakes my head, "Fucking rich people."

I lean my head on his shoulder and smile as he runs his thumb up and down my hand, "They really did love each other huh." I say quietly.

"I guess so." He says with a small smile.


I wake up the next afternoon and slowly lift my head up, jj was still laying beside me. Fast asleep he was snoring lightly as his chest rose up and down with each breath.

"Hey." I whisper as i tap his shoulder, He groans as he keeps his eyes shut.
Knowing that he was going to be hungover as fuck, I decided to let him be.

"Jesus." I mutter after checking my phone, we'd both somehow slept until 3pm.

I stand up and walk into the chateau, I look around the messy house, Dirty plates were piled in the sink and clothes were tossed over almost every chair, there was barely any surface that wasn't covered in dirty laundry.

I walk over to the fridge and pull open the door, the little amount of food that was in the fridge was either moldy or just looked absolutely disgusting.

I grab a large trash bag and start tossing the rotten food into the bag. I find a few eggs that didn't seem completely gross and crack them into a large bowl.

I start whisking the eggs together and manage to find a pan that wasn't broken after a few minutes.

After turning on the stove, I pour the eggs onto the skillet. Humming to myself, I flip the egg and toss it onto a plate.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Startled, I whisk around almost whacking jj with the spatula.

"Jesus fuck." JJ jumps back as i turn around.

"You idiot, i could've killed you!" I shout with a small laugh.
He raises an eyebrow as he looks at me, "With a spatula?"

"You never know, it could happen." I shrug with a smile.

"Here." I say as i hand him the plate of eggs, He takes the plate and grabs two forks from one of the drawers.

"I'm good." I say with a small smile, "You should eat too." He points out.

"I'm good, you were drunk as fuck last night, you need that way more then i do." I say as i push the plate back towards him.

"You're fucking stubborn aren't you?" He asks with a laugh and i nod, "Glad you're finally realizing."

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang