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The rest of the pogues didn't know that i knew anything about the gold, they were off on their treasure hunt while i sat in my bedroom contemplating wether to go get more weed or not.

Deciding i was too bored to not do something, i pick up my phone and dial a number that i only call in times like this.

"Thornton." The familiar voice of Barry says over the phone.

"How much for some weed right now?" I ask and i hear a sigh over my phone, "You sure you wanna be walking around the cut at this time?" He asks.

"There can't be anything worse then you." I shrug and i hear him chuckle, "Alright, eighty."

"K." I say before hanging up, I grab my wallet and pull on a pair of black biker shorts, I toss on a gray pullover hoodie then make my way downstairs.

"Leaving!" I shout before pulling open the door and walking out.

"Yo Thornton." Barry's voice calls as i climb out of my car 20 minutes later.

"What are you, having a seance?" I ask as i look at Barry who was sitting in a plastic chair by a roaring fire.

"Come sit down." He motions as he pats a chair beside him.

"I came for weed not to make friendship bracelets." I sigh.

I hear the sound of a car pulling up the dirt road and i look at Barry, "If that's your junkies i'll take the shit and go, thanks."

"Wasn't expecting anyone." He shrugs.

The car comes into view and i instantly recognize it.

"Shit." I mutter.

The car door swings open and Ward steps out, "You Barry?" He asks as his eyes were focused on Barry.

"Yeah. Who the hell are you?" Barry asks as he looks at him.

Wards eyes suddenly meet with mine, "Octavia,  would you mind waiting in the car please."

"I'm not your daughter-" I start to say, "I won't be hesitant to inform your mother about this." He warns and i sigh and start walking towards the car.

I pull open my door and climb in, "Rafe?" I ask as i look up at the front seat.

"The fuck are you doing here so late O? It's not safe." He mutters.

"I needed weed." I mumble.

"You gotta stop hanging around the cut, you're gonna get yourself killed." He says as he looks back at me.

"Rafe, i'm not a baby i can take care of my-" I start saying when i'm interrupted my a loud shout.

Rafe and i both look out the car windows and see that Ward had knocked Barry to the ground.

"Holy shit." I say as i start to reach towards the door, "O, you'll get yourself hurt, i'll go see what's going on, just stay here."

Rafe opens the passenger door and walks outside, i sigh as i sit back in the seat and chew on my nails.

I start to see Ward walking towards the car without Rafe and i quickly unlock the door and climb out, causing me to bump into Ward.

"Get back in the car Octavia i'm driving you home." He says.

"No, i'm not getting caught up in anymore of your shit, leave me the fuck alone." I sneer before pushing past him and walking towards Rafe.

"Dad!" Rafe croaks as he watches his dad get in the car and drive away.

"Cmon i'll drive you home." I say as i look at him, he shakes his head, "I can't go home."

"Can't you just try to avoid your dad stay in your room or something-" I start to say and he sighs, "He kicked me out." He says quietly.

"What?? Why?" I question as the fire crackles behind us.

"It doesn't matter." He mutters.

I look at his tear stained face and decide not to question any further, "You can stay at my place tonight ok?" I say quietly.

He nods and we start walking back towards my car.

I walk down the long driveway towards my house and pull open the front door which was surrounded by marble columns.

"Where have you been?" The voice of my mother asks sternly.

"Jesus christ, do you just sit there in the dark like a fucking witch." I gasp.

"It's 2 am Octavia, what are you doing with Rafe Cameron." She questions and i sigh, "Mom he's spending the night in one of the guest rooms."

"No he's not." She says as she stands up.

"We have like 8 guest rooms, he won't bother you." I say as i cross my arms.

"Ward doesn't want him staying here." She says as she looks at me.

"It's ok Tave i'll just find somewhere else." Rafe says as he starts to walk towards the door.

"Give me five minutes." I say and he raises an eyebrow, "Huh."

"I'm coming with you, lemme just pack a bag." I say as i start walking towards the stairs.

"Like hell you are." My mother snaps, i turn around, "Unless you want me too tell everyone what exactly happened last summer with Ward, I think it's best if you let me go."

"You know both you and Ward will go to jail for that." She hisses, "Then you better let me go." I say before running up the stairs.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now