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Topper pushes me behind him before lunging towards jj, i quickly rush towards him and grab onto his arm.

"Topper, we're going now." I say firmly as i try to pull him back towards the house.

"If you lay a hand on my sister ever again i'll fucking kill you." Topper sneers as i drag him through the front door.

I shove Topper inside and glare at him, "What the fuck is your problem??" I ask as i lean on the kitchen island.

"My problem?? What about your problem, why the fuck are you hanging out with him??" He asks as he looks at me.

"He's nice." I shrug and he raises an eyebrow, "Yeah it was really nice when he had a gun to my head."

"Look Top, they're not all that bad." I sigh and he shakes his head with a small laugh, "Yeah cause as soon as you start hanging out with them a bunch of money goes missing from Barry's place."

"He held a fucking gun to my head, i wasn't going to let him get away with that!" I shout and Topper stands up, "When the fuck did he do that??"

"Earlier, Sarah wanted me to drive her and a few pogues to a pawn shop and-" I start to say and Topper scoffs, "Of course, i don't want you hanging around them anymore."

"Topper-" I sigh and he shakes his head, "No, they're fucking crazy and will end up getting you killed."

"I can take care of myself." I say as i start walking towards the living room.

"No, no you cant, i don't want you getting yourself into shit like last summer, it won't be as easy to cover for you." He sighs as he follows after me.

"I'm not going down that path again, i promise, i'm just trying something new." I whisper.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Tave, those aren't good people."

"Top can we just forget about this for now, i just wanna get a fucking smoothie or something." I sigh and he gives me a small smile, "You and your smoothies."


I walk outside a few minutes later and see that my car was missing from the driveway, i guess jj ended up taking it after all.

Topper and i walk towards the garage and both grab onto our bikes, i hop onto mine and Topper looks over at me, "I bet i could beat you." He says confidently.

"Yeah right." I scoff as i rev my engine.

"I could beat you even with my hands chopped off." He boasts and i give him a smile, "I can go grab one of the kitchen knives and put that to the test."

"Oh fuck off." He laughs as he rolls his eyes and speeds down the driveway.

I follow after him and smile as i feel the breeze blowing through my hair, i take a sharp turn just passing Topper and make my way down a long road.

"You know you're supposed to wear a helmet!" Topper shouts as we pull up to a stop sign.

"I like the way my hair fly's in the wind." I shrug before taking off again.

"Yeah cause getting brain damage is alright as long as your hair looks nice!" Topper calls out after me.

"You can't see brain damage from the outside you wanker!" I shout as he catches up with me.

He revs past me and i scoff before speeding up, trying to get in the lead again.

He stops suddenly and i nearly crash into him, i slam on the breaks and look over at him, "Dude??"

I follow his eyesight and sigh when my eyes land on John B, leaning against his van, he was watching Sarah and Rafe in the distant.

"Top, let's just go." I sigh and he shakes his head before climbing off his bike and walking towards John B.

"Come to try to kill me again Top?" John B asks as Topper walks towards him.

"Yeah, here we go. Here we go. It's always the kooks fault isn't it?" My brother scoffs.

"I'm sorry man, i'm sorry about your arm, but dude, i hardly touched you." He says as i climb off my bike.

"Look i'm not the one corrupting these girls from a prominent family, getting them involved in a life of crime." He says, referring to me and Sarah.

"Look you have no idea what's going on! Your sister involved herself." John B sneers as he looks back at me.

"Oh i have no idea what's going on?? I know you're stealing 25K from a drug dealer, huh you're getting my sister and Sarah involved in that shit??" Topper shouts.

I hear Rafe and Sarah yelling up ahead and sigh as i walk close to Topper and John B.

"Listen, I- I know i'm the one that cares about Sarah not you." He says as he looks at John B.

"You know your sister stole drugs from Barry? Knew where everything was too, probably cause she's a fucking junkie." John B says as he steps closer to Topper.

"Don't fucking talk about her."

"You guys know i'm right here right??" I shout as i look at them both.

"You have no place to be calling me a junkie when you're the one who's convinced your dads still alive." I say as i turn my head towards John B.

"He's not dead." John B mumbles and i roll my eyes, "Your dad is dead John B alright?? And he's not coming back so get the fuck over it." I shout and Topper grabs onto my arm, "Tave cmon."

"See you later sweetheart." John B calls out as we get back on our bikes.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now