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A/N : i know there hasn't been much interaction between jj and octavia yet but i wanted it to be like a slow burn, it feels unrealistic when characters get close right away

"It's not long before the rest of them find out what happened and come after your shit too." Topper says the next night at the park movie.

Rafe had gotten up to go talk to Kiara and i turn my head towards Topper, "I don't know Top, I probably gave him a fucking concussion, i deserve it." I mutter.

"If they even think about touching you i'll fucking kill them." He says as his eyes stay glued on the same spot.

I move my eyes to where his were and see Pope and jj sitting just a few seats in front of us.

Kiara, Pope, and jj, look back at us and then quickly turn around.

"Look at the poor boy he's terrified." I sigh as Rafe sits down next to me, "He should be." He mutters.

An hour later i stand up, "I'm bored of this shit, any of you have a blunt?" I ask as i look at my friends.

Kelce tosses me one along with a lighter, "Thanks babe." I smile as i turn and start walking towards the back of the movie screen.

I jump when i see jj and pope standing there half naked taking a piss.

"JESUS FUCK." I shout as i cover my eyes.

Pope gives me an embarrassed look as he quickly zips up his pants.

"Did you come to beat him up again?" jj asks as he zips his fly.

"It was an accident i swear." I say quietly.

"You're just like them." jj says as he walks towards me.

"No wonder Kiara hates you, you manipulate and lie to everyone." He scoffs.

"You know nothing about me." I sneer.

"Sup pogues." A voice says and i watch as jj quickly steps back from me, "Sup Rafe." He says as he and Pope both step back.

I look over at Rafe and then turn my head towards Pope when Topper comes around the other side of the screen, "That was some nice work you did on my boat."

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." Pope gulps as Kelce walks towards him.

"Oh yeah of course you don't." He scoffs.

"Not so burly without a gun now, are you?" Rafe asks as he cocks his head.

I grab onto Rafe's shoulder, "Can we just go?" I whisper.

"Take one more step, i'll rip that prepubescent face off." jj sneers.

"Pope, Do you feel good about yourself stealing shit, i mean is your mom proud of you? Is your dad?" Topper asks as he walks closer towards Pope.

Pope suddenly slams his head into Toppers and i quickly shove Pope away from my brother, "Shit Topper." I groan.

Suddenly jj was swinging at Rafe and Topper was standing back up.

Pope punches Topper in the nose again and i run over to him and grab onto his shoulders as i knee him in the crotch repeatedly.

I feel myself being grabbed onto and i look back to see jj was holding onto me, "Walk away, i don't punch girls but if you keep this shit up." He snarls and i jab my elbow into his face as hardly as i can.

He groans as he drops me and i quickly scramble to my feet.

jj got up and started running towards me, he started to throw a punch but i grabbed onto his fist and kneed him in the groin once again.

"LET GO OF HIM OCTAVIA YOU FACIST ASSHOLE!" I see Kiara approaching me and she quickly grabs onto me and throws me onto the grounds

I look around as the fight continues to go on around me.

I notice Kiara was kneeled down near the screen looking in her bag, i slowly stand up and start walking towards her.

I approach her and see she had a lighter in her hand, "Leave my friends alone." She sneers and i freeze not realizing she knew i was there.

"I swear it was an accident with Pope, i was just trying to get the club from Rafe and it swung back and hit him." I say as i look at her.

She turns around and gives me one of her signature death glares, "I was talking about tonight, i didn't know shit about you hitting him with a fucking golf club." She sneers.


She lights the lighter and sets a pile of sticks under the screen on fire, i watch as the whole screen starts to go up in flames.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Kiara shouts as Rafe and Topper drop Pope.

"KELCE LET GO OF JJ!" She shouts at kelce who was still holding on to him.

"Let's get out of here." Rafe says as the screen starts burning at a faster pace.

Topper grabs onto my arm and starts walking me away, "Hey let's go kelce!" Rafe shouts as he catches up with us.

"Holy shit you almost killed him man!" Rafe laughs as he pats Topper on the back.

I look up at Topper who was staying silent, he had no expression on his face and just kept walking forwards as he protectively held onto me.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now