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We arrive at the beaten down chateau and i sigh as i start walking towards the porch.

"Since when are you apart of the pogue gang?" I ask as i walk next to Sarah.

She shrugs as she keeps walking.

"Alright then." I sigh as i walk after her.

"No effing way!" Kiara exclaims a few minutes later.

Sarah and i were sitting on an old couch that was on the porch, John B sat next to Sarah and jj and Pope sat on a chair and stool on the opposite side of the porch.

"You are not looping two of the bitchiest kooks into this!" She shouts as she continues pacing.

"Look i have no clue what you're talking about, i just came here to talk to-" I start to say but Kiara keeps going. "You brought them here?? So what? They're in on this now??" Kiara snaps as she looks at John B.

I look up and catch eye contact with jj before looking back towards Kiara.

John B looks at Pope and Pope shrugs, "I dunno."

"Look all i care about is Sarah's cut comes out of your share." jj nods towards John B.

"Share?" I ask with a confused expression.

"You know, i don't remember taking a vote." Kiara says, ignoring my question.

"This is our thing a pogue thing." She says as she glares at Sarah and I.

I spit out a laugh as she talks and she raises an eyebrow at me, "Something funny?"

"Last time i checked, you weren't a pogue." I say as i look at her.

"I gotta say, i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope mutters.

"Thank you!" Kiara muses and John B sighs, "When are you not uncomfortable??"

"Well i don't know i rode here on the back of jj's bike pretty comfortably." He shrugs and jj nods, "It's true, most relaxed i've ever seen him."

"That's cute guys." John B mutters.

"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought them here." Kiara says.

"Stop talking about us like we're not here!" Sarah spits out.

"Then leave." Kiara shoots back.

Sarah scoffs as she looks back towards John B, "I told you."

"Told him what exactly??" Kiara asks, "That you're a liar?"

"No, That you're a shit talking bitch." Sarah spits out.

"She's not wrong." I mumble.

Kiara and Sarah start arguing while jj and Pope place bets on who they think will win the argument.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" John B suddenly shouts.

"Kie, you're my best friend, right?" He asks.

"Octavia, you forced me to bring you here so um yeah." He clears his throat.

"And Sarah, you're...you're my.." He starts to say, "Say it." Sarah whispers.

"You're my girlfriend." He says quietly with a smile.

"Un fucking believable." I scoff as i stand up.

"Tave." Sarah starts to say as she looks at me.

"Really Sarah?? One day?? One fucking day and you're already dating someone else, have fun doing whatever the fuck this is." I spit out before storming off the porch.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now