Chapter thirty-four

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"But... We were fine... Ratings were good. How?" Dicle says trying to understand.

"I'm as confused as you are. And this mail doesn't say any details. Let me call them." Feris gets up to go to a quieter place to speak. Dicle being Dicle can't stand still so she calls Meral.

"Call everyone and try to find out the real reason ok?" she asks her friend.

"I'll try my best. I'll have Aydin look around too." Meral responds.

"Ok. But not a word to Baris. I'll see how I'll break the news to him. Call me when you guys know more." Dicle says and closes the phone the moment Feris returns.

"Nothing. Either they don't answer or they say they aren't allowed to say further information."

"I have Meral and Aydin looking into it. Feris! He's coming." Dicle says and panic rises seeing Baris coming to meet them.

"How does he...?" Feris starts saying.

"I texted him, but that was before... How do we do it?" She stands up to hug him.

"My love." Dicle says and wraps her arms around him "How did it go?"

"It went great. And the script is even better now after the changes they did. I'm truly so excited over this." His eyes are landing on Feris.

"Are you ok my dear manager? Shouldn't you be happier?" He asks and sits in the chair next to her glancing at Dicle, who avoids his stare, at the same time.

"You didn't check your messages." Feris states.

"No. Why?" He brings out his phone and roams through his notifications. Meanwhile Feris and Dicle are communicating with their eyes on how to handle this.

They are waiting for a breakdown, for a strong reaction but not for what it actually came.

"Oh. They really did it." He says calmly.

"Wait. You knew about this?" Feris asks.

"Yes. The scenarist didn't want to continue. There was a rumor going around the set. I guess they decided not to move forward with another writer." He says.

"Why didn't you say anything about this Baris? We've could have helped somehow." Dicle asks confused.

"The man had issues with the production baby. Scenes that we were shooting and then the editor cut plenty of them, rushed timelines... You couldn't have done a thing, trust me. At least we have time to wrap it up as he wants." He says and he seems truly calm. "I'll go and say hi to Arya." He continues and leaves the women alone.

"That went well..?" Feris says perplexed when Baris is away and he can't hear them.

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