Chapter three

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"Ba... Baris..?" Dicle says and she just stands there looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights. More like caught in his stupid smile that makes her insides turn into jelly.

"Hi. Sorry for the late time but I needed to talk to you face to face. It's about the new script you gave me." He motions the script in his hand. "I read it by the way and.... Yeah I just wanted to talk to you about it, unless you are not otherwise occupied that is."

He is standing on his toes trying to see if anyone is inside but he only sees walls. In the meantime Dicle's brain wakes up from its coma and decides to respond to Baris.

"No, no it's just Meral. Come on in." she steps aside to let him in and in her surprise she sees him removing his shoes without even asking him. His eyes are catching her stare and he smiles shyly. "My mom, she is very strict when it comes to shoes inside houses."

Dicle laughs "Just like mine. This way." She says and he follows her.

When they reach the living room Meral is coming out of the kitchen with an empty wine glass.

"Welcome Baris. This is for you. I'll be in my room sleeping if you need me." And with that she gives Baris the glass, winks at Dicle and disappears.

"I've had my fair share of wine for the night but please help yourself while I get my copy of the script." Dicle says and vanishes in a room, presumably her bedroom. A moment later she's out and she sits next to him.

"So? What did you think of it? As in general." Dicle asks.

"Well the story is interesting. It's like a tango dance, two steps forward one step back. And it's a film so it's good to keep the interest until the end. But what bothers me are some parts...." Dicle still looks at him but at the same time she frees her almost dry from the shower hair, from the bun that held them up.

An almost red halo of curls frames her face and a fragrance so hypnotic fills the air. Baris stops talking and he just stares at her. How cute that wrinkle between her eyebrows is, how he would like to touch her freckles one by one, how desperately he wants to kiss again that lower lip that she now bites. She doesn't look at him now, too busy to untangle her locks. And he doesn't know for how long he simply stares at her but the moment her eyes meet his again the atmosphere becomes heavier. 

Without realizing it he throws the script on the table near him and he grabs her face with his hands. She's stunned at first, her eyes wide open trying to understand what's happening. But then a moan escapes his lips and he bites her lower lip and everything goes black.

Her hands are going up to his neck and hair pulling him closer to her while his are on her lower hips, his fingers digging to her flesh. With one swift move the script that till now was on her things drops on the floor and she's sitting on his lap. Herhands are in his hair pulling them as he moans her name. He whispers her name over her lips again. And then louder. And then she wakes up.

"Are you ok?" A frantic Baris is waving his hands in front of her as he tries to get her attention.

"What just...? Baris?" She looks at him confused as he is still concerned about her.

"You were gone for minutes. I got so worried." He says and he hugs her. "You ok right?" He asks again and he lightly kisses her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I just got distracted by you reading the script. It's nothing truly." She says and inhales deeply only to realize the big mistake she had just made. His perfume is as addictive as him. She pulls away fast.

"Ok, good. I'll let you rest and you call me tomorrow when you have free time to discuss the whole thing ok?" He says sweetly and deep down she hates him. She made out with him in her fantasy and he's the sweetest guy.

"Yes I'll tell Meral to call you if I can't find the time to do it myself." She says out loud while her mind was thinking 'damn you Dicle. Get yourself together girl.'

"I know the way out, you sleep. Goodnight." And with that he is out of her house.

And she is still pined on the couch. "MERAL" she screams and she runs to her best friend for help. 

She has the busiest day the next morning, full of meetings with her actors about the movies and shows of the new season.

"Your coffee." Meral says as Dicle exits the elevator. "I have read everything new they have sent and I have them at your desk. Everywhere you see red it's a must read," they keep walking towards her office "and then read the orange ones when you have time also..." Dicle opens the door to find Baris lying on her couch, "Baris is here since you have free time in your hands now. Call me if you need anything."

"Good morning." He says all cheerful to her as he sits up.

"God you are in a good mood." Dicle says and throws away her things on her desk.

"And you are grumpy. Why? Weird dreams at night again?" 

"Dreams? No. Just actors who don't know what's best for them. So please tell me you came here in peace." She laughs and he smiles.

"I love the second script more Dicle. I mean I know I told you last night that I liked the first one but..."

"It didn't click with you." She says firmly and she sits next to him on the couch facing him.

"Yes. Exactly." He turns to face her. "It lacked the spark. The joy you feel when you... when you touch something for the very first time, you know?" he thinks about how her skin felt against his fingers but he doesn't say it.

"Yeah, completely. If there is no fire or chemistry it's useless right?" she says with a low voice.

"Yup. So we are going with the Parisian story, not the cliché one. Will we go to Paris for those scenes?"

"I will talk with the directors first. Inform them that you accept and decline the offers and then we will learn more." She gets up to get her phone to start making the calls when he spins her around from her arm and presses her body against his.    

"Maybe there we can go on an actual date." He says softly.

"Date as in..." she tries to play it cool but the moment his eyes look at her lips she's about to lose it.

"Date as in I can't stop thinking about you and that kiss and when I'll be able to kiss you again Dicle." His eyes are sparkling fire and she knows she can't get away from it that easy this time. 

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