Chapter nineteen

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Baris turns and looks at the brunette woman that stands behind them. All he can remember is what Dicle told him about her. Which explains the coldness that he can see in her mom's eyes.

Dicle on the other hand was sitting stiff next to him, doing the hands thing she does when she's nervous or worried. Under other circumstances he would have taken her hands in his to stop this movement but he doesn't know how to act at this very moment.

"What are you doing here?" Dicle ask as she stands up to face her mother normally.

"Vacations with..." the woman motions to the man next to her, "...with Ali." She says after a small pause. The charming grey-haired man next to her smiles awkwardly.

Dicle says nothing for a moment, she just observes them. "How rude of me." She says and uses her fake smile to speak, "This is Baris Havas but you already know him I guess, this is Mert and his mom Meryem." Her façade is about to fail her and he stands up offering his hand to the man that was near him first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ali, Mrs...." And in that second he realized he doesn't even know her mom's name. 'Who does that? Great job son, you stand up to save her and now you'll make things worse.' His inside voice tells him.

"Leyla." He hears Dicle say.

"Mrs. Leyla." He repeats after Dicle. "I'm really sorry, I had a tough day at the set, sometimes I even forget my own name." He jokes and Ali laughs.

"Nice safe." Dicle whispers and chuckles.

"I'm dying here, give me a break." He whispers back, making her laugh.

"You guys are here for..?" Leyla asks looking at both of them.

"Mr. Havas is shooting a film here right? I heard it when we were at our hotel." Ali says.

"And Dicle is my manager. Wouldn't be here without her." He says with a proud tone. "And please call me Baris." He looks at Dicle again. "I would invite you to sit with us but we are expected elsewhere." He says and he can feel Dicle relaxing.

"Of course son. We just go here either way." Ali says since Leyla doesn't feel like talking apparently.

Soon they are out of the tavern. Mert and his mom are going back to the hotel.

"I will go for a walk." Dicle says. "I will see you tomorrow? Before shooting?" she says and takes his pinky in her hand, pulling her to him. They are at the port of the town and very few people are there now.

"Or I could come with you..." He offers and he trails her nose with his finger, cupping her jaw with his hand.

"I know what you are doing but I really want to be alone now okay baby?" She says and kisses his thumb, that was over her lips, softly.

"Ok. But call me when you get back to the hotel, and don't wonder off in the dark." He says.

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