Chapter twenty-four

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They chose their private offices like every other grown person would do – by running and claiming the office they like the most. So now Dicle is looking around her corner office, an office that Feris wanted when they first rented the two floor building, and she's trying to come up with decoration ideas.

"I will never forget this." Feris says and walks in with two coffee mugs.

"You should have been faster mama." Dicle jokes and sits in the huge office chair. Each room had only the basic decoration, a desk with their matching chair, two lounges for the guests and a couch with a table next to it. After that each one of them could add the character and the details they wanted.

Cinar was technically still at Ego same as Meral, since they had given the two weeks' notice before they can leave.

"You are lucky I love you kiddo." Feris says and lies on the couch.

"That I am. Can you book me an appointment with you designer friend? I need a dress for the wedding." Dicle says and takes a sip from her coffee.

"Mayra? Yes sure. I'll text her now. And you need a three piece suit for Baris as well." Feris says and grabs her phone.

"He will come right? I mean he may not want to cause it's too far away or he doesn't feel like it." Dicle says perplexed.

"If I know one thing about Baris is that he will always support you when you feel uncomfortable or insecure about something. So yeah he will come because he wants to come." Feris says and smiles.

"Yeah you are right. But why a three piece suit? That's oddly specific." Dicle says.

"Just trust me on this one." Feris says confidently.

"I think I will need many movie posters to cover the walls." She changes the subject and Feris growls.

She laughs "Don't be mad Feris. You have mirror wall in your own office."

"Stop talking before I cancel the appointments I set up for you." She says and Dicle's phone rings.

"You are the best. Now. Other than a Marlon Brandon movie poster what else...?" She says.

Feris really came through. In the evening she's inside the dressing room of the store trying a long dress with so much tulle to the point where she can't even tell which part of it is the sleeve and where the head part is.

"You need help in there?" Baris asks when he hears her struggle.

"Nope." She says, opens the dressing room curtain and throws the dress at his face. "Next one." She says and he laughs.

She's putting on another one that's pink and less fluffy but it makes her feel like a huge strawberry.

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