Chapter 1.21

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"Nan Cheng? That snake?" Wei Liqin's brows scrunched up, showing his utter distaste for the man in question.

He was casually leaning against Yang Lizhen's desk with his legs stretched out in front of him. His hands were in his pockets, giving off a 'cool guy' vibe. He brought one hand out of his pocket, using it to pick up Yang Lizhen's glasses and scrutinize them as if they were an impossible riddle.

Across from him, Ling Xia was comfortably seated cross-legged on Yang Lizhen's bed, his hands planted on either side of him, so he didn't fall over because of all the rocking he was doing.

The two of them were colonizing the room, taking it as their own, while the real owner was standing off to the side with his arms crossed. The corner of his mouth twitched while watching these two do whatever they wished.

"What did the text say?" he asked, returning to the serious matters.

Ling Xia confessed his crime easily. "I haven't checked it." He pulled his phone out, finding a lot of new messages in WeChat(1). Many of them were texts sent by friends in the business circle. He scrolled through them until he saw one from a certain Nan Cheng and pressed it.

"It's very short," Ling Xia noted upon catching his first glimpse of it. He glanced up and noticed Wei Liqin looking at him intently. When he shifted his gaze to Yang Lizhen, he found the same sight. So he decided to read it out loud.

Clearing his throat, he began:

"Mr. Li, please stop contacting Yang Lizhen."

Ling Xia finished the one sentence that Nan Cheng had sent him and looked up.

Wei Liqin was leaning forward, staring attentively at Ling Xia. When he realized that Ling Xia was done, his eyes widened. "No way, that's it?! Where's the threatening message that we can use to blackmail him? That's not even interesting!"

Ling Xia facepalmed. "Wait," Wei Liqin started, realizing something. Ling Xia observed him to see if his revelation was the one that was the point of the message. "Did you say Mr. Li? As in your host's surname?(2)"

Ling Xia nodded. He turned to Yang Lizhen. "Nan Cheng is probably trying to use this information to make me voluntarily stay away from you. He knows that I work under V, so that means you'll get protection from him as long as I stay friends with you."

A thoughtful look passed through Yang Lizhen's eyes as he contemplated. "I wonder what secrets Ling Yu's grandfather has that Nan Cheng wants so badly."

Wei Liqin gasped. "Imagine if he has some evil conspiracy to take over the world, and that old man has the key to the power he needs."

Ling Xia rolled his eyes with a slight smile growing on his face. Wei Liqin noticed, and he pouted. "I was just trying to cheer the atmosphere up! It got too serious in here for a moment. Being too serious means lots of mistakes!"

Yang Lizhen furrowed his eyebrows. "Really?" Then he muttered under his breath, "Maybe I should stop only talking about serious things."

"Yeah!" Wei Liqin confirmed. "It is in my belief that if we talked too much about that Nan Cheng guy, we would have made numerous mistakes in the near future!"

"Wei Liqin, please shut your crow's mouth(3). I'm actually scared for my future with all these things you're spouting," Ling Xia pleaded.

"Hehe." Wei Liqin just laughed a snarky laugh, not refusing or accepting Ling Xia's request.

Just then, Ling Xia felt the phone in his hand vibrate. He turned it on, and found out that V had messaged him. He read the text. It only said to call when he got the message.

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