Chapter 1.1

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Ling Xia got dressed for school. Today was the second day of Li Ming's third year of high school(1). The entire year would be filled with preparing for college entrance exams.

Ling Xia never really understood the college entrance exams in these types of worlds. Whether a person got into a university or not was solely based on their score in the college entrance exams. At least in China that was how it was.

He also never understood why every world in this era always meant living in a place called China. Maybe all the worlds were based on something, but it definitely couldn't be based on the world Ling Xia lived in. There was no such country as China back where he came from. Maybe it was based on this modern era? But why would that be true, shouldn't it be based on the interstellar era, because that was when it was created? Maybe the Axians had a society like this?

Shrugging off his doubts, Ling Xia walked downstairs to find Li Ming's parents eating food. Ling Xia casually told them good morning and sat down to eat. During breakfast, Li Ming's parents informed him they would be out on a trip for their anniversary, like usual. The two were going to leave on Friday and be back by Wednesday.

Ling Xia confirmed that he heard what they said, and sat down at the table. Calmly eating his breakfast, he heard the sound of a notification on his phone. He grabbed his phone and looked at his new email. It read:

"Ji Shengge, Li Ming, and Ling Yu,

Congratulations. You three have been chosen to be part of the third years' council this year. Below is a pdf of all the times and dates of the council meetings."

Ling Xia looked at it, a bit confused until he remembered what it was about. Every year, the school would ask everybody to complete a form to see if they wanted to be part of the council. Then the top three students out of the ones who said yes on the form would be chosen.

The council would decide a lot of things for their respective years, like what activities there would be and all that stuff, but there probably wouldn't be many activities for third years because they needed to prepare for college entrance exams. Ling Xia sighed. Everything in this school was based on grades and scores.

Ling Xia checked the dates for the council meetings. He already knew when the first one was, which was the Monday of the third week of school because it was mentioned in the story. The rest of them were also on Mondays, and there was one every month.

Ling Xia thanked Li Ming's mother and father for the food and noticed the time. He had a little bit of time left before he had to leave for school, so he packed his bag. Everyday, Li Ming would bike to school. It wasn't too far away, so it wasn't a hassle, but for some others, they had to use public transportation. Ling Xia wondered why the school didn't provide transportation.

He bade goodbye to Li Ming's parents and biked to school. The temperature was perfect, and the autumn breeze blew on Ling Xia's face, exposing him to the perfect amount of chilliness. The warm colors of the leaves were beautiful, and the wind carried them gently to unknown places. The entire atmosphere gave off a serene feeling that made Ling Xia feel right at home. What a perfect day. He even got to go to school today.

People in this world didn't understand how valuable school was. Or any world where primary education was required. Even Ling Xia himself hated school at one point. But when he had gone through so many worlds, he realized how important school was.

In so many worlds, education wasn't required, and it wasn't free either, and because of that, Ling Xia's hosts' families had to work hard and gruelling hours to send Ling Xia's hosts to school. Education was everything in those worlds, but here, where it was normal, nobody cared anymore.

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