Chapter 1.24

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A/n(1): Um... Before we get into the next chapters(it really has nothing to do with this specific chapter), I'd just like to reinforce that I may have created these characters, but in no way do I condone their actions, and although my own morals may have heavily influenced their decisions, they are not me, and I am not them.

A/n(2): On a lighter note, I hope you skip this chapter. It's kind of unnecessary, but I needed to put it in as a transition. I hate it... from the very bottom of my heart. I feel like this isn't that much lighter than the previous note. Anyways, if you do read it, I hope you enjoy it, although you probably won't... I hate it when I hate myself.

As soon as Ling Xia submitted the recording to the authorities, the conflict was resolved. Lucas was allowed to participate in the competition again, and Ivan was arrested. Unfortunately, Jain was still unable to compete.

The world championship started up again, no more scandals interrupting the main event: figure skating. So the soft music began, barely masking the serene sound of skates gliding across the ice.

Ling Xia let himself be taken away by the ice underneath him, his movements fluent and smooth. He drifted across the ice slowly. The deep and somber cello music seemed to follow his movements. He prepared for his first jump.

Picking up some speed, he skated backward. At the perfect moment, he lifted his right foot up, letting his left foot bend into an outside edge. He struck the ice with his toe pick, using that action to push himself into the air. He made sure to keep his outside edge on his left foot pristine and untouched as he launched into the air, spinning around rapidly.

He crossed his arms over his chest and twisted his feet together. In less than a second, he had finished four rotations and was coming back down at an incredible speed. He unwound his legs right before he hit the ice, landing on his right foot.

As if the impact of his skate on the ice was the trigger, the music picked up. The music that told of two lovers from fair Verona was now telling of their reuniting in death. It was a happy tune, with sadness hidden deep inside because they had to part with their loved ones.

Ling Xia found it more sorrowful than happy, so he emphasized that fact in his skating. He kept his feet on the ice as if even the two lovers' love for each other couldn't lift their spirits. But he still embodied the joyful part of the tune, dancing around on the ice.

Soon, it came time for his feet to leave the ice. He jumped up and landed on his left foot, using the moment to spin. He crouched down into a sit spin as the music completely changed into a jaunty tune. As his body quickly turned, he straightened his legs and started his step sequence.

This was always his favorite part of every program. He had practiced this routine dozens of times, so he had it memorized, down to the very last detail.

So as he put on a reckless and confident smile, he jumped and danced around on the ice. He looked like he was having fun, and, in truth, he was. It was really difficult to perform these maneuvers, and even harder to do them on ice. But it was also a lot of fun to practice for something so difficult and then accomplish it when it mattered.

As he twisted and turned, Ling Xia's movements were crisp and clean. They also were flaunty and all over the place, portraying the feeling of the music well. He wasn't able to enjoy the music for long. The beat suddenly reached its climax.

Before the thrilling note could pass by, Ling Xia turned and did a triple axel quickly followed by a triple toe loop. He almost botched the landing of his triple toe loop, barely keeping his balance. He stepped away and skated for a bit before doing another quadruple lutz.

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