Chapter 1.22

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Knock knock.

The two knocks on the table drew Ling Xia's attention away from his pleasant conversation with V. "Excuse me," Yang Lizhen's voice sounded in Ling Xia's ears with a fake smile directed at V. "I'd like you to stop making moves on my sister's boyfriend."

Without even waiting for a response, Yang Lizhen grabbed Ling Xia by the arm, dragging him away from his pursuer. Ling Xia stumbled after him, taking quick glances back at V in apology. Because of this, he didn't see Yang Lizhen's warning glare sent to V while they were walking away.

Yang Lizhen pulled him along, his strides long and powerful, not releasing his grip on the other's arm for even a second. They finally got to the table Ling Yu's sister was at.

"Hey, babe!" Ling Hui exclaimed, filled with exuberance. "You're finally here!"

Ling Xia smiled, greeting her warmly, eyes full of tender feelings. "Hey."

But, wait, when did Ling Xia get a girlfriend? What could have possibly happened to reach this reality?

A few hours ago...

Hushed whispers mingled with the crowd, anticipation thick in the air and lights dimmed. The audience fell silent as the first sound from the trailer echoed in their ears.

On the screen, the camera panned across the greenery, zooming into a village in a grove. This was where everybody spawned the first time they were playing the game.

The forest creatures were kind, and the players instantly formed bonds with them because of quests they had to do. Those friendships would come into play later in the game as the players traversed the forest where more quests were placed.

The video featured a lot of quests. Some where they had to stop evil creatures from rising, some where they had to explore, some where they had to protect something. The types of quests were endless and players could form parties to finish them.

They could also form parties to take on dungeons, the hardest part of the game. If a player was strong enough, dungeons were their main grinding area. Many creatures roamed each floor of the dungeon, but also puzzles. A player couldn't only rely on brute strength for these.

On the very top floor was a boss. The boss was different based on what dungeon a player was in, but the one thing they all had in common was that they were all the hardest to beat of the entire dungeon. The bosses didn't have to be creatures, they could be challenges or puzzles too, as long as they followed the previous rule.

There were sixteen dungeons, and after a dungeon was completed by any party, a worldwide event would be hosted depending on what dungeon was cleared. Any player on any platform on any server was allowed into that event, and it affected the storyline of the world. It released new quests and NPCs.

After all sixteen dungeons were cleared, the last worldwide event would happen, and the players' choices there would affect the entire world forever. There would be no more change, and the storyline would be set in stone.

The ending could be bad or good, chances were that it would be bad though. Other then the changes in the intricate storyline as the players went on with their lives, the most important thing was the game mechanics.

The developers made a great team, and they were rewarded for their efforts. The game mechanics were the most advanced as of yet, and they were shown in the trailer, exciting everybody. Realisticness was not what the developers were going for when they were creating new ways to make playing video games more fun, they were just trying to find a way for chance to decide what creatures and players do, but that was probably what made it so realistic.

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