Chapter 1.17

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Warning! Overly explicit TORTURE(kind of) scene that made me change the rating of the novel.

Ling Xia burst through the front doors, running out of the building into the warm, clear air. His eyes moved about, searching for any suspicious figures in the area, and light from the full moon aided him, making a certain person running away very apparent.

Ling Xia sprinted after him, Yang Lizhen hot on his heels. They didn't seem to be getting any closer though, the person seemed to be able to run as fast as Ling Xia and Yang Lizhen even though the two had trained their bodies, and Ling Xia was an athlete.

The only other person Ling Xia knew that could match up with him was V, he even taught Ling Xia some new moves, but there was no way he was here.

The figure continued running through the large parking lot, dodging between cars and trying to lose his pursuers. Ling Xia almost lost sight of him for a second before seeing him slip in between two cars. He lunged toward him, catching the hem of the figure's shirt, but before he could tighten his grip on it, it slipped through his fingers.

Luckily, Yang Lizhen was on the other side of the car, waiting for the figure to come out. The figure noticed him first, and threw a punch at his face, successfully breaking Yang Lizhen's glasses.

A plastic lens broke, and fragments of it stabbed into Yang Lizhen's face. Small lines of bright red blood trickled down his face, and Yang Lizhen hastily took his glasses off to prevent even more damage to his face.

Ling Xia ran past Yang Lizhen to chase the figure, but froze when he saw that Yang Lizhen wasn't moving. Worried, he asked Yang Lizhen what was wrong. "He broke my glasses. I think some fragments are embedded in my skin now."

Ling Xia became perplexed. "What? How did he break the lenses? He couldn't possibly break them with just one punch," he asked while taking his phone out of his pocket. He turned the flashlight on and shone it on Yang Lizhen's face.

"I don't know," answered Yang Lizhen, trying not to move his face too much, so Ling Xia could work on his face.

Ling Xia picked the shards of plastic off of Yang Lizhen's face. After ten, long minutes, Ling Xia stepped back, saying, "I think I got all of them. Do you still feel anything?"

"No," Yang Lizhen answered, wiping the blood off his face while thinking that he would clean it up later.

"Did you see where he went?" Ling Xia asked, referring to the figure they were chasing.

"No, I lost him. But I do see Mu Ninghua's fake boyfriend in that car." Yang Lizhen pointed at a blue convertible with a man sitting in the driver's seat. The light from his phone illuminated his face, and Ling Xia could barely make out that it was conveniently the same man as the one from the reunion.

The two men walked over to the car, knocking on the window which surprised the man who was staring intently at his phone screen. He hastily turned his phone off to hide what he was doing, but Ling Xia caught the screen. It was an online poker game with a large sum of money being in the center.

The man had just raised 100 dollars even though the best hand he could get was one pair. There was a man who folded with a better hand, but this man refused to give up. Maybe he just wanted to bluff, but it didn't seem like it was working because the rest of the players were still in the game.

Either way, Ling Xia now knew what the man wanted; money. Every man who gambled like that needed immense amounts of money.

"Hello," Ling Xia kindly greeted the man.

The man suspiciously replied in his scratchy voice, "Hi. What do you want from me?"

"We'd just like a bit of information from you," Ling Xia informed him with a smile on his face.

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