Chapter 2.6

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The fall hunt was fast approaching.

By this time, Ling Xia had systematically gone through every maid Liu Cai had given Liu Zhaoning to check if they had ever harbored traitorous intentions. Lo and behold, most of them were secretly spying on him for his father.

Why?–Ling Xia had no idea. He had thought Liu Cai thought him incapable of any useful action. Perhaps it was to assure himself that Liu Zhaoning did not do anything detrimental to the welfare of the family or just anything stupid.

He, of course, was not aware of the recent development of a new soul inhabiting his first son's body. As such, he had no clue that Ling Xia was planning on kicking all of these spies out.

Ling Xia shifted in his seat. Feng Lian sat across from him, deep eyes swirling with love that even a master would not be able to detect the falseness of. But Ling Xia knew better. Every interaction he had with Feng Lian was simply a ruse to gain information from him.

Ling Xia called for tea.

Their sitting there was neither to wait for a beautiful picture to be painted nor to enjoy the warm weather. Feng Lian had been affronted after Ling Xia had failed to adhere to a principle of marriage. Namely, the visit to the bride's home the day after the wedding.

So Feng Lian had requested a meeting to finally make that visit. "May we please go to my home tomorrow?" he pleaded, hands together as if praying.

Ling Xia's indifference could not be shaken with just this display. "That is not your home anymore. This is." It was true. Now that had gotten married to Ling Xia, his family was the Liu family, and his home was the Liu manor.

"Then may we visit the Feng manor tomorrow?" Feng Lian reluctantly changed his words to appease Ling Xia.

Fingers tapping impatiently on the table, Ling Xia wanted to destroy any hope Feng Lian had of gleaning information from him. "I'm busy."

A crestfallen expression crossed Feng Lian's face before it was swept away by the lifting of his spirits. He knew a way for everyone to be happy! He opened his mouth and—

"The tea is here," interrupted Ling Xia icily. His gaze shifted to above Feng Lian's shoulder where a maid walked toward them. She wore plain brown clothes, clearly a low-ranking maid, but the gold necklace hanging from her neck told a different story. On top of that, the necklace was never revealed, always hidden under her clothing. Anybody who owned a necklace like that would flaunt it unless they had something to hide.

That was when he knew something was off. So after doing some investigative journalism, he deduced that she and her friends were the main bunch of people that were spying on him for Liu Cai. This maid, in particular, was in charge of the area Ling Xia and Feng Lian were sitting in.

She hastened her pace when Ling Xia beckoned for her. She came closer and closer to the table, and closer and closer to the trap Ling Xia set out for her. As she lifted her foot for the final time, Ling Xia subtly pressed the tip of his boot onto the hem of her robes.

That was all that was needed for her to trip and fall, the pot of hot tea in her hand spilling onto Feng Lian's lap. Ling Xia's eyes shot down to the maid now on the floor in mock shock. His gaze then travelled up to Feng Lian's face where veins were threatening to pop out of his flesh.

Feng Lian's face changed colors many times before finally settling on pure, unadulterated rage. He stood suddenly, his chair tipping back because of his quick motions. It threatened to fall, but swung back at the last moment like it was trying to get back at Feng Lian for trying to make it topple.

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