Chapter 1.18

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Ji Shengge's face was all too close to Ling Xia's as he stared up at Ling Xia. It was a face he was never expecting to see even in his wildest dreams.

"It's you!?" Ling Xia couldn't wrap his mind around this reality.

Then he heard Ji Shengge's next words.

"Mhm, and now you owe me a favor," he had said with a smile that screamed evil intentions.

Ling Xia took a long breath with closed eyes, wondering how he had ever believed that a person was willing to save him with no ulterior motives. He squeezed his eyes to tell himself to reset, and when he opened his eyes, he had a professional smile on his face.

It seemed like the 'friendship with Ji Shengge' plan would have to be trashed.

"I see. And what makes you think I'll deliver on this favor? I didn't ask you to save me, right?" Ling Xia wouldn't fall for this trick where people would do something for another person by themselves and would expect the other to do something in return. That only worked if the two involved people cared about each other.

Ji Shengge's smile became even more wicked. "Well, that's not the way to treat the person who led you straight to your target while being chased by you as well."

It took a moment for Ling Xia to understand what Ji Shengge just revealed. He was the eavesdropper they were trying to catch.

"What did you hear?" Ling Xia's body tensed up, and he leaned forward, ready to silence Ji Shengge the moment he heard something he didn't want come out of Ji Shengge's mouth. Dead men told no tales after all.

"Hold on. You're injured, remember? I'm sure you don't want to fight me right now," Ji Shengge said after seeing what state he was in.

Suddenly, the fact that he was severely injured came back to Ling Xia, bringing his awareness of the pain he was in with it. The pain, which seemed to have been dulled due to his engaging conversation with Ji Shengge, came back full swing, which Ling Xia was not very pleased with. He leaned back onto the couch, crossing his arms, wincing while doing so because of his injured arm.

Ji Shengge continued when he noticed Ling Xia's willingness to listen. "I only recorded a few minor details. Like the part where you were talking about being sorry about doing things alone. I thought things would get juicy after the whole 'Bai Xian being back is bad' part, so I started recording. Speaking of which, I could always go and tell him that you're after Mu Ninghua."

"And I could always go and tell everybody that you were a gang leader. I actually still have some proof of that on my laptop," Ling Xia retorted.

Ji Shengge gave a short and obviously fake laugh. "You could. But considering that I can send you to hell very easily right now, I think I'm the one with the advantage. I very kindly advise you to let yourself owe me a favor. A favor I'm going to call in right now actually."

"You had something in mind before you saved me," Ling Xia stated, not really asking Ji Shengge. When he saw Ji Shengge not denying it, a horrific thought rose to his mind.

"You were there while we were fighting, weren't you?" Ling Xia accused.

Ji Shengge nodded in reply, finding the situation not at all serious. "You watched them beat me!" Ling Xia hissed. "You were probably considering letting them break my legs too!"

"You're right. But you would be more defenseless if you were weakened by them," Ji Shengge openly admitted, definitely not guilty.

Ling Xia shook with anger and hatred. He detested being in situations like that, where everything was out of his control.

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