Chapter 2.10

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Ling Xia watched the carriage from the imperial palace fade into the foggy distance, feeling accomplished and sleepy.

The night before, he had said good riddance to Chen Er and saved Liu Zhaofa simultaneously. By keeping him alive, he had guaranteed his own survival because Liu Zhaofa wouldn't want his just returned brother to die so quickly. By having Chen Er killed, there was one less traitor he had to deal with.

And then he went to sleep. Or at least he thought he had time to. However, he was awakened far too soon, only getting in thirty meager minutes of sleep, much to his dismay.

The reason for that servant barging into his room, as told by the servant himself, was because he didn't want to offend Yao Ze. At these words, Ling Xia instantly realized that Yao Ze had come to visit and jumped out of bed to get ready. After hastily throwing in his clothes and somehow making himself look presentable, he rushed to the entrance of the manor to greet the eunuch.

There, Yao Ze stood, alone. He stared off into the distance, the cold wind blowing through into his face with fearsome ferocity. As Ling Xia approached, Yao Ze caught sight of him, and his grave features seemed to loosen a tad.

"Eldest Young Master Liu," he called out, quickly following that greeting with more. "Marquis Liu. Third Young Master Liu."

The three moving people from all different directions converged at Yao Ze, eager to know why he was here. "His Majesty has sent me to ask after the Second Young Master's health. He worries about one of his most capable subjects. Is he well?"

"We thank His Majesty for his care. Yes, my son is healing. He is expected to fully recover by the winter solstice," Liu Cai swiftly answered with a bow, never one to forget about formalities.

Ling Xia and Liu Zhaoren followed his example, clasping their hands in front of them and bending their backs forward. "We thank His Majesty for his care."

Yao Ze smiled at the subservience displayed by the three. He didn't want to have to abandon his ally so soon, so he was glad Ling Xia had bowed.

"His Majesty has also sent me to inquire after the Eldest Young Master marriage." He faced Ling Xia, staring into his eyes. "His Majesty has heard you have not yet visited your wife's ancestral home. Are you dissatisfied with His Majesty's arrangement?"

Ling Xia got the message hidden between the words. Yao Ze was trying to change this into a private conversation. Otherwise Yao Ze would have asked everybody present because they were all technically at fault.

Ling Xia faked a sweat. His eyes darted around, never once meeting Yao Ze's until they finally fell to the ground. He wanted Yao Ze to take charge of the situation because Liu Zhaoning would never do such a thing.

"It seems this requires a more direct approach. Marquis Liu, if you would please allow me to converse with your son behind closed doors. I have reason to believe that he has traitorous intentions."

From the corner of his eye, Ling Xia caught the blatant unwillingness on Liu Cai's face, but what could he do? The emperor's will was law, and Yao Ze represented the emperor. Liu Cai could only show that he would remember this transgression in the future on his face and hope it would scare the eunuch away.

They stood at a deadlock like this for a few moments, and both refused to back down. Finally, Liu Cai relented, as was predetermined, and allowed Yao Ze to do as he wished. "Of course." A tight smile played on his lips for the entire walk into the manor, and as he opened the door into the room he would be leaving Yao Ze and Ling Xia in, a menacing glare transformed his face for just a second before it vanished into the cold, weathered exterior he always wore.

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