Words shouldn't cut as deep as they do, yet Josiah's just did. Shame, hurt and heartbreak wash over Noah as he takes in all of what Josiah just said. Never did he expect his own friend to throw Princeton cheating on him in his face like its all his own fault. Yet, here they are.

"Didn't you fuck me without a condom the first time we had sex too? I could say the exact same thing about you."


"Who knows who the Hell you've been sticking your own fucking dick in. Princeton and you have a lot more in common than you think you do, asshole." Noah opens the car door when Josiah stops the car and gets out. "Like I said: don't you worry about me giving you something, chances are way bigger that you gave me something weeks ago instead. Do whatever you want with that information. I'll see you around."

The door is slammed shut before Josiah can even get another word out. He angrily hits his steering wheel and watches Noah walk up to the building of his apartment. It wasn't his intention to make Noah more upset than he already was. Now he feels bad. Friends aren't supposed to hurt each other yet he can't help it with Noah. He'll text or call the younger guy later. For now it's best if they don't speak for a couple of hours.

While Josiah drives off, Noah makes his way up the stairs to his apartment. His eyes are burning with tears but he doesn't want to cry. If it's one thing he hates it's crying, especially over a stupid fight with Josiah. What was that fight even about? Noah can barely remember, all he knows is that it's definitely his fault. The comment he made about Josiah sleeping with half the people on campus was out of pocket. He shouldn't have said that and Josiah had all the right to react the way he did. They should probably talk about it. Not now though, later maybe. He has too much on his mind right now and a class he has to attend in an hour.

Noah enters his apartment and closes the door behind him. The sound of Lolani's obnoxiously loud laugh fills his ears and for some reason that pushes him off the edge. A soft sob comes from him but he quickly covers his mouth to prevent himself from breaking into loud sobbing. He inhales deeply as a way to calm himself despite hot tears rolling down his cheeks. He follows the sound of Lolani's voice only to find his best friend sitting in the living room.

"Guys," Lolani says when he notices Noah standing in the doorway. Worry immediately washes over him. "I'll call you whores later. I think Noah needs me."

"Oh no," Trinity pouts. "What's wrong with our baby?"

"We'll talk later, bye." Lolani ends the call before getting up and going over to Noah. "Baby, what's wrong? Did Princeton do something again? I swear I'm going to—"

"I'm pregnant." Noah blurts out, not wanting to hide or lie about things to Lolani anymore. He sniffs and wipes at his eyes as Lolani stares at him in shock. "And it's not Princeton's. Josiah and I had sex a couple of weeks ago and this is the outcome. He was my first time, Princeton wasn't. I actually fucking cheated on him with Josiah." He confesses in one breath before covering his face out of shame. His entire body shakes as he cries in his hands.

Lolani is at a loss of words. It doesn't happen often, but when it does its because of something he never ever expected. Did he expect Noah and Josiah to have slept with each other already? Not at all, but he was waiting on the day for it to happen. Their entire group of friends kind of were. Nobody, not even Valentine, can deny that whatever Noah and Josiah have going on between them isn't special. Whether it's completely platonic or slightly romantic, all of them know that both Noah and Josiah have a thing for each other although they swear they're nothing more than just friends.

The way the two of them aggravate towards each other in even the busiest crowds is something none of them can phantom. It has Valentine vexed. Lolani only knows this because Valentine ranted to him about Noah and vented to him about his feelings for Josiah one too many times on several occasions. Even during their trip to Cancun over the summer, without Noah being there, the fights between Valentine and Josiah would be about him. All because Josiah had a picture of Noah and him as his lock screen. It was a selfie the two of them took when they all went to the fair last year.

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