I just can't get enough of him!

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Anushka Tandon

I stood at the door of Khurrana's mansion.
I closed my eyes and Dev side hugged me kissing my temple.
"Everything is going to be alright. I am there with you." He said and I smiled at him.

I am fine until & unless you stand by me.

One of the staff opened the door and wished us afternoon. I just smiled nervously.

I was nervous as hell!

Dev gave a light squeeze to my hand.
"Ohh Dev.. you're here—his mom stopped talking as her eyes fell on me beside him.

"What the hell are you doing over here?" She asked throwing fire with her eyes.

"Mom, didn't we have a talk that you would try and sort out things with her?" Dev asked and I know he was just trying to test her patience.

"Ohh honey.. I'm leaving for somewhere right now. We could continue this some other day?" She asked still glaring at me.

"What is more important for you than your son's happiness?" Dev asked and she looked at him shocked.

He's never crossed her words!

She just sighed and sat on one of the sofa's gesturing me to sit across her.
"So, what problem do you have with me?" She asked as I sat on the couch and Dev sat beside not once leaving my hand.

"I don't think that is the right question, mom. The right question would be what problem do you have with her?" Dev asked looking at her with no emotions.

"She's filled something in your mind, right? I knew it. She is a manipulative bitc— she started but Dev interrupted her saying
"Stop right there, mom. That's my wife you're talking about."

All this while I just kept looking at him.

How brave can he be?
Fighting with his own mother for me?

She just scoffed and said,
"Wife? You call her your wife when she left you?"

Dev just chuckled and said
"You lie so confidently, mom. I never knew that the person I've always looked up to, the person who was my role model would be inhumane."

"Dev, what are you talking about?" His mom asked getting up from her seat.

"I know what you did to her" He said and she froze, her face paled.

" What are you— His mom started but he showed her his palm gesturing her to stop talking.

"I have all the proofs, mom. I even have all the statements recorded by the men who kidnapped her." He said glaring at her.

I looked at him shocked.
He went this far?

"I did that so that you could be happy!" She yelled.

"I am happy with her, mom." He said very calmly.

"I hate this girl with my guts. Her family killed your father." She said and Dev sighed.

"Dad was drunk. It was his fault. The past is past. You were thinking of destroying my present & future because you don't like her? I was the one who wanted to build a life with her. I was soo fucking happy to have her as my wife. You just took everything away from me!" Dev said losing his temper.

I just sat there looking at them.

What more could I do?

"You were the one who chose to be stuck over her. I gave you numerous options." She said rolling her eyes.

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