Mrs. Khurrana!

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Dev Khurrana

I was going through a case file when suddenly Anushka's smiling face appeared before me.

Her eyes crinkling, her lips spread into a wide smile, her perfect white teeth, her cute little nose, the twinkle—

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts.

Stop behaving like a fucking teenager!

I just waved my hands before my face to get that image out of my head.

"What's wrong with you?" Jay asked entering my cabin.

"You're here? Karan will be here soon then." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. He is on a call with his beloved fiance. He'll be here in 2 minutes." Jay said making a face and I just laughed at him.

"I don't understand how can they become soo lovesick when it is an arranged marriage?" Jay asked rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! Even I don't get it. I mean Me & Anushka also went through this phase but even after we got married we were never— I stopped talking when I realised what was I talking.

"I am sorry." I said clearing my throat.

"You need not be sorry about expressing how you feel, Dev. And you should know this whatever happened it was not your fault. And did you forget your's was not an arranged marriage. You knew her for like 2 weeks and you guyss got married." Jay explained me and I just nodded remembering our first meet.


I was sitting in a cafe while going through my e-mails when a girl walked towards me.

She was saying something but I was not able to focus on anything she was saying. I was just busy gawking at her.

Sooo beautiful..!

Her caramel brown hair were left open, she had a soft smile on her lips.

She snapped her fingers before my eyes and I got out of my trance.

"Umm hmm.. I am sorry. You were saying?" I asked clearing my throat.

"You did not listen to anything?" She asked glaring at me.

"Sorry, you're just too beautiful. It's difficult to concentrate." I said with a smile getting up from my seat.

She just rolled her eyes and forwarded her hand in my direction.
"Anushka Tandon. And I won't fall for your charms easily." She said chuckling.

I took her hand in for a handshake.
"Dev Khurrana. It's really difficult to resist my charms." I said winking and she again rolled her eyes at me.
Nonetheless, she smiled and took her seat opposite to me.

I was just smiling like a fool looking at her. And it was really shocking because I've never behaved like this around a girl.

"What should I expect out of this marriage?" She said coming straight to the point.

I just raised my brows at her.
"Whatever you would expect from a normal marriage. I want you to know that we could think of it as an arranged alliance and not a compulsion." I said and she sighed.

"Thank God! I thought you would say all the shit about how you don't want to get married and we'll just get married for the sake of it." She said with a chuckle.

"You've assumed too much." I said chuckling.

"Though the constant smile on your face clearly said that you're too smitten by me."  She said laughing.

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