We are meant to be..!

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Dev Khurrana

"Mom... I don't understand why are you so hell bent on keeping us apart?" I asked irritated to my mom on call.

"Now you think, I don't want to see you happy? See what that girl has done to you! You never talked to me like this." Mom said in a sad tone.

How do I handle this?

"Mom.. I told you I'll be back in the mansion by tonight. Don't worry." I said and hung up sighing.

Why god, why?

Mom has arrived from brazil today and ofcourse she can't stand the fact that I am staying with Anushka so she was very persistent that I leave right away now that the whole fiasco is over.

"Dev.. You're tea is ready." Anushka said and I walked towards the living room.

"Are you alright? You seem to be lost." She asked as I made myself comfortable on the couch. I just gestured her to come towards me and she sat beside me with a frown on her face.

"The case is over now. The whole drama is done with." I said sighing.
"Yeah.. that's a good thing." She said still confused. I held her hand and pulled her towards me.
She sat there facing me with my hand around her shoulder and her on my chest.

I want this forever..!

But I know she'll just get scared if I say this right now and who knows might even run to other side of the world.

"Mom called." I said and at the mention of mom's name she stiffened. I don't know what is with them. Their equation is something I can never figure out.

Everything was fine between them when we were married!

Or so I thought!

"You know right.. I.. It is my time to leave." I said and she snapped her neck to me.

"I forgot about it." She whispered while playing with the button of my t-shirt.
She had a gloomy expression on her face.

Ohhh! So someone is as sad as I am!

"Before that I want to clear a few things with you." I said getting serious and held her chin to make her look at me.

"Do you want us to be together?" I asked her nervously.

"I go on kissing random guys." She said rolling her eyes at me.

I just bit my smile back at the memory of our kiss.

"We are not going back to square one. We both have taken lots of efforts to get at this point in our so called complicated relationship. I won't tolerate you asking me tomorrow to stay away from you." I said to her in a serious tone.

Who knows she might just get up tomorrow morning & say I am nothing to her.

"Why do you think I would do that?" She asked in a low voice still with a sad expression.

"I don't know! 2 years ago I came home from my office wanting to see my wife and was greeted with a message saying you left. I am just scared that you might do something like that this time too!" I said caressing her cheek while voicing out my insecurities.

"I am going to talk to mom about us." I said and she looked at me shocked.

"Dev, no! You know— she started but I shushed her by keeping my index finger on her lips.

"We'll take our time, sweetheart. I won't force you into anything not even for coming back to our mansion. But my mom needs to know that she has to stop with her search engine for girls. She needs to know that I have found the one I want to be with." I said and I could see fear in her eyes.

Why is she sacred?
More like terrified!

"Dev, the moment you're mom knows that we have something going on our downfall will start." She said keeping her head on my chest while I rested my head on the top of hers pulling her to me.

"Did something happen between you & my mom?" I asked stroking her hair.

"Alot..!" She said sighing.

"Did you leave because of her?" I asked expecting her to say yess because the way she reacts to my mom's name even a fool could understand my mom has done something that made her leave.

"I.. umm.. she stammered and I kissed her forhead.

"Yesss. I did leave because of her and I am not going back to that mansion until she is there." She said pulling back.

I could see rage in her eyes now. I don't understand what was it that happened that made her hate my mom soo much.

"Why didn't you think about me while you left?" I asked the question which I wanted to desperately ask her all these years.

She got up furiously
"You think it was easy for me to leave? You think it was easy for me to live these 2 years away from my family, from you from everyone! You were sulking these 2 years because you didn't have your wife with you. Can you imagine? I had to live these years with no one at my side. And whose fault is that? Not mine.. it was your mother's fault. Solely!"
She said getting all red due to anger.

"Aree mera baccha— I started but she again interrupted me.

"No! Don't utter even a word! Nobody can understand what I went through and the problem is that I can't even tell everyone what did I face those 2 years!" She yelled while a tear escaped her eye.

"I know when you get out of that door nothing is going to be the same between us. You will be back to your home & I will be again left alone to deal with my fucked up life!" She yelled with tears continuously falling from eyes.

I hugged her and placed her head on my chest.
"How did you even think that everything will change? I know, we will not live together under the same roof from tomorrow but you will always be there with me and I am not going to leave you alone. Not until I die atleast!" I said holding her while she cried hysterically soaking my shirt.

"I've lost all the hopes that we are ever going to have a happily ever after." She said crying.

"The hell would break lose If I don't get you in my share." I said kissing her hair and she looked at me with teary eyes.

What did happen exactly..?

"Dev, you know nothing about your mom. You don't know she is capable of doing a lot of things. Including, keeping us apart. This was the reason I never wanted to get involved with you again after 2 years." She said wiping her tears.

"Maybe you both have some misunderstandings between you. We'll sort them out but I am not giving up on you. Not this time." I said determined.

"The only thing that matters is do you want me to not give up on you?" I asked her hoping she would say a yess.

She just wiped her tears and sniffing she climbed on my lap. She encircled her arms around my neck & said
"I am not strong enough to let you go this time."

She pulled me in for a kiss. She poured all her emotions in the kiss.

All her fears..
All her longing..

I  kissed her back gently letting her know that this time around

We are meant to be..!

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