Hungry for her.

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Dev Khurrana

"Yess.. just arrange for a meeting at 11, tomorrow." I said to my assistant on call and entered my car.

"To the mansion." I said and my chauffer just nodded. While I hung up on the call my gaze fell on my phone's wallpaper.

It was picture of Anushka smiling wide looking somewhere else.

I just chuckled looking at the picture.

I miss her!

I've been ignoring all her calls and messages this week because—
Suddenly, someone placed a cloth on my mouth.

What the fuck?

Before I could react with anything everything before me started spinning and I blacked out.

I slowly tried to open my eyes and tried adjusting to the light.

Where the fuck am I?

I opened my eyes completely and was shocked to see the surroundings.

Anushka's room?

I tried getting up but my head was still hurting.
"You're up." Jay said entering the room and smiled at me.

"What the hell are you doing here? And why am I here at the first place? What's going on?" I asked absolutely clueless.

"Did you not notice that I was the one driving your car and not your chauffer?" Karan said entering and I looked at him frowning.

"You guys have gone crazy. You made me unconscious?" I asked him with disbelief clearly written on my face.

"We had orders from our boss." Jay said shrugging.

"What boss? My head is already hurting like hell, just stop confusing me damn it!" I yelled and they started laughing.

"You are going to be in deep mess when we'll bring our boss here. So, enjoy your freedom before our boss comes & kills you." Karan said laughing.

Is he high?

"That was too much, karan!" Jay said shaking his head.

"Okay. If you guys are done laughing. Then can you just answer my fucking question." I yelled at them irritated.

"I told you. Our boss would answer all your questions. For now, sit quietly on that bed." Karan said smirking and before I could ask anything further
Anushka entered the room with a tray in her hands.

"You're up? I made soup for you. It will help your headache." She said smiling.

What's wrong with everyone?

"Okay then we'll leave." Jay said winking at me. Anushka kept the tray on the bedside table and glared at me.

Bipolar much?
She was smiling a second ago!

"What the hell am I doing over here? Who brought me here & how?" I asked to her confused.

"You don't need to know that." She said shrugging and started moving towards me slowly.

"The only thing you need to know is.." she said sitting on my lap and moving her finger around my chest.

What's wrong with her?

"Are you okay?" I asked and she moved her face closer to mine while I looked at her nervously.

She's definitely upto something!

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