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Y/n blushed for the thousandth time today. She can still feel his warm lips savoring every taste as she touched her lips remembering how he held her tightly in his embrace. 

Jungkook drove back to her home as y/n was lost in her world. "We are here" Jungkook announced bringing back y/n from her dreamland. 

"Oh O-Okay" 

Jungkook chuckled lightly, "Thinking about me darling?" He smirked 

"Pfft What! No"

"As you say my love" Jungkook rasped before holding her hand kissing her knuckles lightly. Y/n hid her face with one hand like an adorable baby as she heard her lover laughing at her cuteness. 

"Is my baby shy now?" Jungkook hugged her tightly trying to kiss her adorable red cheeks as Y/n was trying to hide her face. 

"Nooo I'm n-not" she whined making jungkook laugh more. 

"She is so cute that I just want to hide her in my arms...She is my baby, mine"  Jungkook thought as he started showering her face with kisses. "You should go back now"

"I can when you leave my hand" 

Jungkook smiled sheepishly as he quickly left her hand although his heart didn't want to. Soon he is going to take her back to his mansion and never let her go. Soon



"About my family?"

"We can tell them once you are ready baby" 

"Okay" Y/n smiled brightly before kissing his cheeks bidding him goodbye. Jungkook hugged her tightly one last time before saying "Lets go on a date tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7 pm, okay?" 

"Okiiee" Y/n replied waving him goodbye before disappearing in her home. 

"I'm happy" Jungkook sighed happily for the first time after his mother's death.

Once Y/n opened the door she was greeted by her brother his face void of any emotion, eyes coldly looking straight at her.

Once Y/n opened the door she was greeted by her brother his face void of any emotion, eyes coldly looking straight at her

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She was surprised but quickly composed herself before greeting him with a smile, "Were you waiting for me?" 

Taehyung ignored her like she didn't exist as he walked away.

"What happened to him?" she thought as she chased behind him not knowing her brother's sudden change. 

"Taehyung-ah what's wrong?" she held his hand but taehyung snatched his hand away angrily glaring at her as he roared, "You tell me"

"I-I don't un- "

"Where were you?" He asked walking towards her but she didn't back away. 

"I went out for a walk. But I did inform mom in front of you, why are you asking? Were you worried because I'm late?" She tried to hold his hand but it was denied again. 

Y/n wondered maybe he was angry as she came home late. This must be the reason, right? 

Taehyung dragged Y/n to her room as he shut the door with a bang and pushed her on the bed. Y/n was scared by his sudden temper but she doesn't understand why?

"You are not the Taehyung I know" she said sadly with terrified eyes.  

"Oh really...You never knew me y/n" He spoke coldly and it broke her heart into million pieces. 

"Why are behaving like this again? What's your problem huh?? I'm sick of your games, taehyung" she shouted as she stood up facing him angrily. 

He held her jaw tightly as he spoke coldly, "Its my fault that I fell in love with you...But I-I'm t-tired of this pain" 


"Loving you is painful y/n because at the end you will choose him no matter what" He mumbled as tears keeps on flowing from his eyes staining his cheeks. 

Y/n didn't know how to react to his sudden confession. Her mind was blank as she stood there frozen. 

"B-But you are my b-"

Even before she could complete her words taehyung roared angrily as he smashed the vases, "BROTHER BROTHER BROTHER...THAT'S ALL YOU SAY...I'm tired of being your brother...I don't want to when I never asked for it" 

"Love me please, hm?" He begged as he leaned down on her shoulder. Taehyung didn't care if he was begging because right now he was afraid to lose her. Yes, he wants to be selfish for himself. One last time. 

"I can't" 

Taehyung faced her searching for any emotion that could give him one last hope but no, there's nothing. That moment he knew he lost his love and he can't do anything. He turned around and opened the door to leave as he stopped to say, "I wish you happiness with Jungkook but always remember my love for you was real...and I-I'm willing to give up f-for you even if it h-hurts" 

"I'm a loser in this game" He turned around as he gave her a sad smile before leaving her alone.

"I'm a loser in this game" He turned around as he gave her a sad smile before leaving her alone

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Its hard to say goodbye but sometimes its better to let go....


What are your favourite animals?

Here's some cutest angels I found-

My mom says my eyes are big like cats and in the photos I look like a cat! 😈😈 How can I be a cat if she is human!? 

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My mom says my eyes are big like cats and in the photos I look like a cat! 😈😈 How can I be a cat if she is human!? 

My mom says my eyes are big like cats and in the photos I look like a cat! 😈😈 How can I be a cat if she is human!? 

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A Trip To My Destiny || JK ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant