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"You think you can keep me here!? My family will find me, wait till they call the police" Y/n doesn't even know from where she got this sudden confidence but she won't let him intimidate her.

"Oh babe you have no idea who we are" He whispered to her and then turned around to say something in Japanese to the other guys and left the room. 

"Just what did I get myself into?" she was scared but no way in hell she's going to let them know.

"Are we going to leave her here?" One guy spoke in a soft voice. He looks like a cheerful guy but she can't let looks fool her. Sometimes the most innocent ones are more scary.

"That's what boss said hoseok" A guy with pale skin glared at her. 

"Don't try any tricks unless you hate your life way too much" Another guy came up to her.

"I won't when I know I can't. Anyways what's your name?"


"And his?" Y/n pointed at the pale skinned guy

"Its yoongi. You could have asked me directly" He rolled his eyes at her and left the room along with hoseok.

Now she was alone with Wonho and its awkward for her firstly because she has never been alone with a stranger locked in a room and secondly when the stranger is looking directly into her soul.

"Can you stop staring at me like that"

"I'm just following the orders" He replied like a obedient son

"But I can't escape like this when I'm literally tied to a freaking chair"

"Okay" And he looked down at the floor.

"What's the name of your Boss?" Y/n tried to start a conversation with him to avoid the awkwardness.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked looking up at her again.

"Just for knowledge"

"Jeon Jungkook"

"So, you guys do illegal trafficking of girls?" she asked getting interested to know more.

"We do more than you can imagine"

Okay, now that scared her a little bit, rethinking whether she should ask more or not.

"Are you guys planning the same for me?" she whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear

"Boss will decide that"

Till now this guy was talking like a robot and its obvious she can't gain any information from him. It was even awkward for her to stay locked with a stranger, more like a dangerous stranger. The gun in his hand was scaring her more. 

"You know I won't be able to escape from here, And I still love my life so can you please leave. I promise I won't try anything" Y/n pleaded wishing for him to guess the uneasiness.

"Okay but if you try anything I'll kill you myself" Saying this he left her alone and y/n sighed a breath of relief.


I wasn't planning to upload today but still I did, hope you like it

I'm so sleepy but I need to finish this first!

I'm so sleepy but I need to finish this first!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A Trip To My Destiny || JK ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang