Wasn't that Riku cane? But he thought that guy was dead.

Then she spoke again, her black raven hair sweeping from her eyes as she gestured to the chained boy in the center. "May I?"

The burly man holding him then nodded before taking a step back just as the strange woman moved forward, fully aware that everyone was watching as she finally came face to face with the kid.

Leaning down ever so slightly, the black haired stranger then gazed over his various cuts and bruises only to frown. "How old are you, kid?"

The kid couldn't help but slightly intimidated by her watchful bird-like yellow eyes, causing the man holding him to growl before kicking the child in the back with a shout. "Answer her!"

Gasping out in pain, the boy hunched over onto the ground before quickly stuttering back a response, not wanting to be hurt again. ""F-Fourteen..."

Then the kid then watched as the woman's eyes filled with something he hadn't expected. She looked sad, almost like she wanted to cry for some reason.

But that didn't make sense, none of his other owners felt any pity. They just did as they pleased, used what they paid for. It was always nothing more than that. So why did this woman look so sad?

It was almost like she understood his pain somehow. But that was impossible, right?

Pushing herself back up to meet the eyes of his holder, the black haired woman then lowered her eyes before turning around in order to stare at the crowds of people watching her. " I see. I think I've seen enough."

Then she leaned forward on her jeweled cane before speaking out to the strangers. "Looks like your little auctions have attracted the wrong attention. So sorry but it looks like I'm going to have to shut this down."

All at once, the room seemed to grow outraged, hundreds of people yelling as the leader seemingly shouted back with fury. "Shut us down?! You can't come in here and do what you want!"

Yet the girl didn't seem to mind, only spinning on her heels before locking her predatory amber eyes on him. "Oh? Well, it seems that's what you've been doing for years. Maybe I should chain all of you to myself and have you serve me as payment for what you've been doing to these kids? That does have a sense of irony to it, doesn't it?"

She then laughed at her own cynical joke before turning to the silver haired boy with a serious stare, her voice commanding and low. "Close your eyes, kid. Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Not knowing what to do, the kid complied, closing his eyes tight and blocking out the heavy lights with fear and confusion to what was going on.

Just then, the ballroom burst to life as many of the masked guests removed their coverings before they stood beside the girl, all of them ready to fight.

Wait, how many of them had gotten in here?! How many followers did this random chick even have?! There were so many.

Taking a shaky step back, the leader couldn't help but gasp at the scene before him. How were they overpowered that quick? "Who do you think you are?! Some kind of hero?!"

Yet that's when the woman laughed, lifting her hand up to touch a crystal pendant on her neck with a dark gleam.

"The names' Valkyrie and I'm certainly no hero. Be sure to remember that."

What the boy heard next was utter chaos, screams and shouting filling the space as his eyes stayed shut, terrified to really see what was going on just a couple inches away.

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