
Josiah glances over to Noah before averting his gaze back on the road. They're on their way to the clinic. It's been quiet in the car ever since they drove off campus which was five minutes ago. Noah has been deeply focused on his phone and Josiah wonders what has his friend's attention like that.

"You good?"

"What?" Noah looks up from his phone.

"I asked you if you're good." Josiah says, keeping his eyes on the road. "What are you reading?"

"Oh," Noah bites his bottom lip, feeling himself become a little shy. "I– I went on the site of the clinic to read about testing and stuff. I've never done it before and I wanted to know what to expect."

"That's cute."

"Don't say that. It makes me feel stupid."

"But you're not, it's cute." Josiah smiles. "It's really no big deal. They'll take some blood samples, we wait in this private room and then after thirty minutes we get our results. If nothing is detected, meaning you're clean, you're good to go. If they do detect something, a doctor will call you in to discuss matters." He casually explains.

The way Josiah explains it makes it sound less complicated then the way it's described on the website, Noah thinks as he goes over everything in his head. Blood samples, waiting and then results. Easy. There's absolutely nothing he has to worry about. Unless his tests come back positive, then there's a lot he has to worry about. What if Princeton did give him some type of std? Could that explain why he has been feeling so sick lately? The smell of Lolani's new fragrance had him throwing up twice yesterday. Even now he's been fighting the simple urge to gag because of Josiah's cologne. Something tells him that Princeton gave him something and it's making him anxious. Not just anxious but also angry. Princeton really didn't care about him or respect his body.

A wave of nausea suddenly washes over Noah just thinking about Princeton. All the shady things Princeton did and said are all coming back to him all at once. The text from last Friday that ruined their relationship is now floating through his mind along with the words he heard Princeton say on the phone while he was supposed to be sleeping. Tears are burning in his eyes and suddenly he feels so overwhelmed by all these thoughts and emotions. The nauseating feeling that's been present all day isn't really helping any.

"Stop the car." Noah demands softly.

"What?" Josiah looks over to Noah then back at the road again. "Are you okay?"

Noah impatiently jiggles the door handle. "No, pull over. I'm going to be sick." He says before moving a hand to his mouth and gagging. The last thing he wants is to ruin the interior of Josiah's brand new Range Rover.

Josiah watches how Noah rushes out of his car after pulling over to the side of the road. Faint noise of retching reaches his ears seconds later and he quickly gets out of his car to see what's going on. Noah is standing with his back turned to him while leaning forward with his hands resting on his thighs. Soft cursing and sniffs can be heard coming from him as Josiah approaches him from behind. Seeing Noah like this is worrying him.

"Yo, Miller, are you okay?" Josiah asks hesitantly. He's terrible at comforting others.

"I'm fine, never been better." His words come out way more sarcastic than he had intended, but Noah can't help it. He feels horrible; his head hurts and he's exhausted. "Obviously I'm not, smart ass. What kind of question is that?" He snaps.

Noah's answer makes Josiah kiss his teeth. "Now what are you being all sarcastic for? I just want to know how you are, damn." He says, already catching an attitude.

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