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after taking a shower and brushing my teeth, i got dressed in a white dress, with black dots scattered over it, buttons going up on it. it is a simple dress, but it'll have to do.

i put on black flats (i only have flats in my shoe stand) and some lip balm and then boom! i'm ready

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i put on black flats (i only have flats in my shoe stand) and some lip balm and then boom! i'm ready.

"lia! come downstairs! the guests are here," i heard father yelled and i did as he said and went downstairs.

i walked in the living room where they were and saw dad and three females.

i greeted the two oldest first, who were the couple, and then their daughter. when i aw who it was, i froze.

her. out of all people. her.

i dropped my hand that i wad about to let her shake.

"hi." i mumbled rudely and sat down beside dad.

rosalie chuckled and smirked at me.

"okay, so, anything i can help you guys woth? any drinks? any snack?"

"no thank you." the older-looking lady declined politely, "we're just here to finish what we came here for."

father nodded.

i thought he said dinner? man, i was looking forward to a huge feast.

they spoke and spoke, never getting on point. i was getting bored.

"richard, the tutor."


"yes. i- we need your daughter to tutor ours. $300 a week, additional on weekends."

that called me poor in many different ways.

father's eyes widened.


kerisha nodded (dad mentioned her name during the conversation).

"sure, yes, sure. sure, she'll do it. right, lia?"

he shot me a look as in saying, "deny it if you dare.".

"um, yeah, right."

rosalie stared at me and i scowled at her.

she smiled slightly but it went away when her mom told her something. her smile was replaced with a grin.

"you girls can go to lia's room to catch up." father said.

i sighed and mumbled something.

"that wont be needed, dad. wont ms and ms joyce be going away?"

"not yet, sweetheart." kerisha gave me a smile and i nodded.

i got up, rosalie following and walked to my room. we both entered and i cleared my throat as i closed the door.

"nice room you got." rosalie said as she looked around.

i mumbled a thank you and sat down on my bed.

"you can sit you know?"

my bully is in my room. i just realized that.

i could rosalie's eyes piercing through my head side as i stared ahead. i looked at her and she raised her hand. i flinched, thinking she was about to hit me and her hand stopped mid-air. slowly, she brought her hand to my face and tucked my hair behind my ear.

my cheeks heated up a bit.

"you're beautiful, you know that?"

i nodded.

her hands are so soft. like aughhh!

"dont let anyone tell you different."


rosalie chuckled, "just...just believe me when i say you're beautiful."

i nodded again, unable to say anything as i stared in her mesmerizing eyes. i think- i think i saw her lean in a bit?

no, no, i'm imagining things.

i leaned into her touch as her thumb rubbed my cheek affectionately.

what is going on!? i want to pull back, but i cant seem to find myself doing it.

again, she leaned in closely and my eyes widened slightly. rosalie gave me a sly smile and i find myself leaning in also.

soon, we were nose-to-nose.

pull back, bitch! pull back! she's your bully!

"can i kiss you, lia?" rosalie mumbled lowly.

"why should i let you?" i asked her back.

rosalie didn't answer as her lip brushed against mine, barely tho.

i was about to close the gap between us when my room door pushed opened.


Small filler to build up the book

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