Yoongi gave a gummy as he reached a hand out to help the girl up off the floor.

"You need to catch up. You've been out of the game for a while now." Which was true, but she had spent the past three weeks training nonstop. She knew training was to be more intense since she had the talk with Shiro, but it felt like since the laid-back attitude to her training from the monastery, (y/n) had lost the stamina and skill she used to have. It had only just started to come back with Doeksu but, even then, she had a long way to go.

"Not my fault," (y/n) huffed out as she readied herself in a fighting stance.

Jungkook was the first to move, charging forward, his wooden sword ready to strike. (y/n) blocked the cut and another and another. One by one, each boy join in, adding to the number of blows. One false move, or if she was a hair out of time, her defence would be broken, and she would lose.

She doing well till Jimin decided to use his trick. (y/n) sensed it first. Behind her back, eight different cuts, all from the same sword, hurtling towards her. She didn't have enough time to try and find the true cut. There was no chance of dodging them all, and her exits were blocked by her friends. She had no choice but to take the hit.

(y/n) braced herself. The wooden blade crashed into her stomach with enough force to send her rushing back and landing on her butt. "JIMIN!" she shouted, "STOP DOING THAT!"

"No chance," he laughed back.

"That will do for today," Shiro said, startling everyone. He was sat leaning on a far tree. He had been meditating while keeping a watchful eye on his students.

"Think I'll stay a little longer." Everyone filed out of the clearing leaving Teahyung and herself, who decided to stay and help.

"Ready." (y/n) nodded.

The sword sliced through the air aimed for her neck. (y/n) leaned back, letting it pass harmlessly in front. Seeing a chance, she moved forward into the opening, trying a quick cut upwards. She was fast, but her opponent hadn't stopped moving. He rotated and stuck downward, forcing her to move backwards.

Two more passes. (y/n) still didn't make contact, but she was getting closer. Each pass brought her a hairs width closer than the last it wouldn't be long now till one would make a mistake, and they both knew it.

(y/n) was getting overconfident and lost her focus, just for a moment. It was less than a heartbeat, but Taehyung recognised it. He redoubled his assault, strikes blurred in succession. (y/n) avoided or blocked each of them but lost her balance on a tree root. Stumbling backwards as her opponent seized the opening. He raced forward an eager, childish glint of victory in his eyes.

(y/n) surrendered herself to the pain of the hit. There was no way she could block him in time. But then (y/n)'s mind snapped. She couldn't describe it any other way. One moment she was, in reality. The next,  everything around her was moving slowly, like she was in water, not air. Not only did she know where he would strike - despite Taehyung having the ability to hide his sense - she knew exactly how to win.

(y/n) let herself fall to the ground swiping her opponent's sword as she tucked into a roll. She came back to her feet, and in three moves, she had Taehyung pressed against a tree with a sword at his neck. Her face was so close to his she could smell the fresh sweat on his skin. They both breathed heavily from the exertion of the combat.

Slowly and very carefully, Taehyung pushed the sword down away from his throat. He let out a deep sigh - (y/n) forehead fell against his chest. She closed her eyes.

"What was that?" He says in barely more than a whisper.

"I still don't know." She spoke, her voice muffled by his dark robes.Taehyungs hand moved to her head. He let his fingers brush through the (h/c) tangles. They stayed still for a few minutes till they had caught the air back into their lungs from the duel.

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