Not as expected...

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"Go ahead Jonas. They're listening." Me and Rip had been watching this on a loop for hours on end.

"Hi daddy and Jessie. We miss you." Jonas said.

"And love you." Miranda added in the background.

"And love you." The boy laughed. Oh, how I missed that laugh.

"Anything else you want to say?"

"Come home soon." Jonas scurried away and Miranda entered the frame.

"Hi you two. Not sure if you got our last message. I told Jonas that you got caught up with work, but I really thought you'd both be home by now. London is- things have changed. It's hard to tell what's going on with so many soldiers and rumors. I just want to know that you're both alright. Wherever you are, whenever you are, I love you both." The message started over.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, captains." Stein's voice came from behind us. I turned off the hologram device quickly.

"No problem Professor Stein. I was just leaving." I gave him a smile, wiping tears from my eyes before leaving.


"Putain, les choses sont nulles. Ma famille est toujours morte à cause d'une tête de merde qu'on ne peut pas tuer. Je-" I ranted into the empty hallway until Sara stopped me.

"Something's off with you."

"Nothing's off." I denied.

"Yes there is. Usually when you're pissed off you curse in Italian, not whatever language you were just speaking."

"How do you know I wasn't speaking Italian?"

"Perché anch'io parlo italiano." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Everything we're doing to stop Savage and save them is turning up empty." I turned away, but Sara grabbed my arm and turned me back to face her

"Hey," She ran her hand across my cheek. "We will save them."

"I don't know Sara." I started pacing back and forth again. "The team's been trying for weeks and me and Rip have been trying for years. What if we can't save them? What if-" My pace stopped because when I turned to face Sara, she grabbed my face and softly placed her lips on mine."

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "It's just- you wouldn't stop talking and that's the only way I could think of to-" I cut her off.

"It's okay. It was just to get me quiet." I gave her a fake smile before walking away.


"And we care about this chick, why?" Mick asked. Rip had just shown us the video message of my long time friend Eve Baxter.

"You shouldn't," I told them. "I care because she is my friend, but other than that, the Acheron's computer will contain the current intel on Savage's whereabouts."

"Gideon, set a course for the Acheron's position in deep space." Rip instructed.

"Yes, captain."

"Deep space?" Stein asked, astonished. "I had no idea we had the ability to explore the unknown realms of the galaxy. Astonishing."

"No. What's astonishing is that we're acting as roadside assistance for the people who's chasing us." Jax said, frustrated.

"Doesn't it seem suspicious, this distress call just happened to reach us?" Snart asked, defending Jax's statement.

"How do we know it's not a trap?" Jax added.

"We don't." I told them bluntly. "But what we do know is that Savage's trail has run cold. And unless Gideon can upload the data from the Acheron's computer-" Mick cut me off.

The Flame-Sara LanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin